Here, a group of people were haggling lively, with voices coming and going.

Over there, shopkeeper Wang and his convoy had already arrived, only about ten or twenty meters away from them, and their bargaining voices could be heard clearly.

In the middle of the motorcade, there is a carriage, which is very beautiful with carved beams and paintings. Inside it is a lot of gold and silver treasures, as well as various large boxes, all of which are the savings accumulated by Shopkeeper Wang over the years. It can be said that it is full of money.

Especially with the many gold coins he had just cheated in the city, he made a lot of money.

Now, he is planning to use all these gold coins to cross Yulong City as capital to reopen a store and do business. This time he is going to open a luxury restaurant.

At this moment, Shopkeeper Wang was lying on these gold and silver treasures, sleeping happily.

Snoring like thunder.

It should be noted that these gold and silver treasures were covered with a thick quilt, covering all these things so that they would not be easily discovered. He slept on them and had sweet dreams.

But at a certain moment, he suddenly heard the noise outside. It was like a busy market, like a vegetable market. No, to be precise, it was busier than a vegetable market. He clearly remembered that Chu was not a vegetable market at all. What was going on? , there is such a lively bargaining voice?

It's like many people are doing big business in a cluster and are going to make a lot of money.

His heart moved, and he quickly got up and asked outside: "What's going on outside, why is it so noisy, what happened?"

After the words fell, a servant outside immediately said: "When I go back to the shopkeeper, for some reason, there are suddenly hundreds of people doing business here, and there are many customers. I think they look like traveling merchants. I don't know what kind of business they are doing. There are many golden eggs on the ground, and many people are holding hammers and smashing the golden eggs. The bargainers seem to be very prosperous. His grandma, it is amazing that these businessmen can do this. "

As the servant finished speaking, Shopkeeper Wang was slightly startled and then understood.

It turned out to be smashing a golden egg. Haha, he had played this trick countless times a long time ago. He could be familiar with it, but inside the golden egg, even after it was smashed open, there were no good things at all. At most, there were some slightly It's just a thing worth a little money. Although this kind of thing is worth a little money, the price is completely different from the price of breaking a golden egg. It's a huge loss.

You know, traveling all over the world, only the banker takes it all. Their customers who smashed the golden eggs have no idea what's going on here. They can't beat the merchants after all calculations. They want to make a lot of money, but they don't know that the golden eggs are completely traps.

Shopkeeper Wang thought of this, sneered and said, "Don't worry about them, just keep moving forward."

After that, Shopkeeper Wang continued to lie down and prepare to sleep.

But for some reason, his mind has always been on these golden eggs. This is also the root cause of shopkeeper Wang's early career in the world. No matter why, whenever he sees golden things, he wants to take a second look at them, especially It was a golden egg. Although he knew that there was definitely a trap inside, he felt really itchy in his heart if he didn't reveal the answer to the mystery.

But he still suppressed his excitement, suppressed the throbbing, and lay down quietly.

Only this time, he poked a hole in the curtains and looked inside quietly. Sure enough, he found a lot of dark people sitting on the grass in the distance, talking and laughing, with one golden egg after another in front of them. , sparkling, each one about as big as a human head, looking surprisingly precious and eye-catching.

When Shopkeeper Wang saw this, he couldn't help but feel more itchy in his heart. He also wanted to have a good time. However, when he heard that the other party actually smashed thirty gold coins once, he suddenly fell into his old habit again. He was extremely stingy and couldn't bear to spend it. This money.

If the other party gave it to him for free, it would be more or less...

Suddenly, for some reason, such a thought came to his mind.

At the same time as this thought fell, the group of people opposite didn't know why they were crazy, and suddenly said:

"Wow, look, isn't that the carriage of Shopkeeper Wang? I recognize this carriage!"

"Yes, I often go there to do business in their city. For businessmen like us, the business can be said to be all over the country. What is going on with Shopkeeper Wang now? Why did he suddenly bring so much luggage, women, etc. Wait, what is this going to do, a big migration? "

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