Everyone knew this without him. Manager Wang was dead, so where did all his wealth go? It must have been robbed by someone with ulterior motives, so trouble awaited them in the future.

"Everyone, hurry up! Move faster!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Many strong men thought of this and immediately began to sort out the bodies and some explosion debris.

It happened that there were many shovels in Manager Wang's convoy, but the wooden sticks were blown off by the bomb, but they could still be used in general, so everyone started working with these shovels.

In about an hour, all the bodies, racks, and debris... were pushed into the blasted trench, and then they were buried by everyone pushing the soil with shovels.

By the middle of the night, all the work was done, and there was no trace of clues at the scene.

Of course, as long as the soil was not turned over.

However, there was still a pungent smell of gunpowder in the air.

"Okay, everyone has done a good job. If there is nothing else, you can go home, but you must remember that today's events must not be leaked out, otherwise you will be in trouble and will not have peace!" Su Changge explained again.

"Don't worry, we will never go out!"

"Su Jiuge, we know that you are more careful in doing things, but we are not fools. We naturally know that once the news is leaked, we are likely to be implicated, so don't worry, that kind of thing will never happen."


Many people patted their chests and promised.

These people felt that even if they were in trouble, Su Jiuge would be the most serious, and their troubles could be almost ignored, but they also had to be cautious, because once they were involved, it would definitely not be so easy to get out.

Su Changge said again: "Be careful, goodbye."

Then, he left with everyone.

After a while, Su Changge, who returned to the city, lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He always felt as if something was about to happen, and he was uneasy.

He had a hunch that something would definitely happen before dawn.

After all, he took so much money. If nothing goes wrong, he won't go there at all.

Although those people took away 10% of the gold and silver, it is inevitable that there will be indignant people. People's hearts are complicated. It's better to be calm.

Thinking of this, he didn't sleep anymore. He took a look at the storage bag. It was almost full of gold and silver. Fortunately, this was a bag used by warriors, otherwise he would be inconvenient to move.

He quietly rolled up the cool mat to form a long column, and then put it on the bed and covered it with a quilt. In this way, it looked like a person was sleeping here under the dim moonlight.

Then he opened the window and left silently.

At this time, the street was silent and sparsely populated. There were only various frogs croaking, and nothing else.

Su Changge didn't wear his white clothes this time, but a layer of lining, gray, blending into the darkness. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Not long after walking out of the house, he suddenly saw several tall figures in the distance, holding shining long swords, walking towards his residence.

"Hmm?" Su Changge's eyes narrowed, and he immediately dodged behind a big tree.

"Hey, you guy, is everything you said just now true? If I find out it's fake, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

A rough voice sounded in the dark night, and it sounded like a big man.

"Don't worry, Brother Long, that guy blew up all the family members of Manager Wang today and took all the gold and silver treasures for himself. If he didn't eat alone, how could he report it to you, Brother Long? Everything he said is true. As long as you open the door and put the knife on that guy's neck, he will naturally do anything." Another figure said.

"You'd better not lie. I hate people lying to me the most in my life!" The rough voice shouted in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will never do that. How dare I..."

Several figures rushed towards the wooden house quickly, but they were very careful, for fear that the prey would hear them.

Su Changge frowned, and anger rose from his heart.

Sure enough, the intrigues and deceptions in the mortal world are more terrible than those in the cultivation world. Originally, it was because they had no power to kill so many people, and it was not easy to bury the bodies, so they chose to use money to shut their mouths. Now the traitor has come.

And this traitor actually kept saying that he ate all the food and didn't give him any!

Damn, he is looking for death!

However, Su Changge also understood that if he didn't give them 10%, even if he gave them 90% and only took 10%, they would be greedy and find fault with him!

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