Billion-fold return: With your hands in your pockets, there is no rival!

Chapter 1422 The Three Brothers of the Wang Family

While thinking, Su Changge was also thinking back to what the man had said just now.

"Terminator, so that red-haired woman is a Terminator, has the Terminator war started now?"

Su Changge couldn't help but wonder, from this point of view, maybe he was in danger, he needed to be more careful, the Terminator's arrival was extraordinary.

But he didn't expect that he would actually witness this scene in the reincarnation, he really didn't know what to do, and fortunately the Terminator didn't attack him, otherwise, no matter how many of himself there were, he would probably be powerless in the reincarnation.

Especially now in the mortal state, he didn't have any power to fight back.

Although he thought of this, Su Changge still didn't show his expression, and didn't let anyone know that he came to the cluster of reincarnation.

"It seems that I have to be more careful in the future." Su Changge said in his heart, took the buns and went back.

Second, Su Changge left the cluster and there was no news.

No one knew where he went. They only knew that he seemed to have returned to the ruined temple that night. After sleeping in the temple, he disappeared the next morning. However, this was just an episode in their lives and did not cause any big waves. For Su Changge, it was necessary to leave this place.

The Terminator appeared here, so this place was no longer safe. If the Terminator attacked him, it would be a mistake for the rest of his life. It was hard to get through three years, so he couldn't just waste it for no reason.

However, what Su Changge couldn't figure out was why the Terminator was so close to him but didn't attack him. This didn't seem to be reasonable. Could it be that the Terminator couldn't sense him?

He was just reincarnating here. With her strength, she should be able to sense it, right?

Su Changge was puzzled.

But at the end of his thinking, he was still the same as before. Since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it anymore. He shook his head, cleared the doubts in his heart, and continued to walk on the road.

Now, he was going to a nearby sect.

He wanted to find a sect to join. As long as he got a similar backer in this reincarnation, no one would dare to provoke him. Even if the Terminator came, he would not destroy the sect. After all, there were still so many powerful people who had not been destroyed. How could she spare her hands to destroy those sects? It was completely impossible.

It collapsed, but there were tall people to support it. Now the tall people were not all dead, so the sect was still safe for the time being.

And in the Reincarnation Saint Ruins, the sect was even safer.

Su Changge thought so, and soon stopped a carriage, paid some fares and rushed to the road to the sect.

According to Su Changge's familiarity with this place, the sect was in the area where he was now, and it would take about one night to reach it.

That sect was a sect called Gangzong, not big, just a sect, with only a few hundred people, which could almost be regarded as a micro sect. A short person like this would be disdained by the Terminator even if he passed by.

Su Changge thought so in his heart, and closed his eyes to rest in the carriage.

In this carriage, there were three people sitting in the carriage, all of them were going to Gangzong. They were also some mortals who wanted to join Gangzong to gain a little self-protection power, but they were all fat and big-eared, looked fierce, and their front teeth were protruding, giving people a feeling that they were not easy to mess with.

Su Changge didn't say anything to them along the way, but learned from them that they were three brothers. The eldest was called Wang Da, the second was called Wang Er, and the third was called Wang San. The names were very casual, and it was unknown whether their parents were educated.

Seeing that Su Changge didn't say anything along the way, the three people couldn't help but frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Hey, son, why don't you say anything? Do you look down on the three of us?"

Su Changge frowned.

He had not intended to cause trouble, but now that trouble has come to him, it seems...

Just when he thought of this, Su Changge suddenly remembered that he was now in a mortal state, but it didn't matter, he jumped off the carriage and said, "You go ahead, I won't go."

Trouble has come to him, but as long as you ignore it, you will be safe. In this life, you have to be as timid as possible and never easily cause trouble.

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