It was not until Jin Fenghua had left for a long time that the other people in the holy land reacted and hurriedly chased Jin Fenghua. For them, Jin Fenghua killed their ancestors and the strongest person in their holy land, causing great damage to the holy land's combat effectiveness, which was their irreconcilable burden.

But they also knew who the other party was, but there was no way, no matter how strong the other party was, they would not retreat.

Because when all the strong people in the world died, it would be their turn. Instead of waiting to be killed quietly, it would be better to take the initiative to attack.

But Jin Fenghua ignored them all the way.

This kind of waste, to Jin Fenghua, is not even as good as an ant on the ground.

"Jin Fenghua, wait for me, look at the spirit stone cannon!"

Suddenly, someone behind him took out a storage bag, waved his arm, and a mechanical cannon flew out of the storage bag, just like a giant bunker, with more than ten cannons installed on it. The black barrels faintly revealed an extremely terrifying and deep smell of gunpowder, giving people a strong sense of oppression, as if it could blow up an entire huge mountain with one shot, which was amazing.

Jin Fenghua frowned and said lightly: "I didn't expect it to be this thing. This thing hasn't appeared for many years."

These things evoked her distant memories. She couldn't remember which era it was at that time. She killed a huge force, but that force mistakenly thought that this thing could stop her steps, so they got hundreds of such cannons and tried to blow her into pieces. As a result, she waved her hand lightly, and all these cannons collapsed and became fragments.

Now seeing that these ants actually took out such a big waste, she smiled immediately.

Waving in the air, only a palm stretched out.

Suddenly, a golden hand that was ten thousand feet long and covered the sky pressed down, like slapping flies.

Groups of flies exploded on the spot, turning into blood mists. Then Jin Fenghua pressed down with his palm, pressing the blood mists into nothingness in an instant, completely disappearing into the void, and even the cannon was crushed into dregs.

Then he snorted coldly and walked away.

Originally, she was not going to pay attention to these ants for the time being, but these ants were too annoying, so she simply killed them.

This scene happened to be seen by a female monk passing by. The monk's face changed, and then suddenly remembered something, slapped her forehead fiercely, and her expression was overjoyed.

She suddenly recognized that maybe it was Jin Fenghua, otherwise how could he slap those people with rolling breath to death? You know, those people just now, all had ancient and terrifying patterns engraved on their bodies, and deep and big characters engraved on their shoulders one after another-Taicang Holy Land, and you can tell at a glance that they are from a powerful force.

But such a powerful force was smashed to pieces by such a woman in a flash, and all of them died.

She immediately understood who this person was. It should be the Terminator who had recently shaken the Canglan Realm.

Suddenly, she was overjoyed and hurried back to the sect.

She wanted to report this news to the sect master and His Royal Highness the Holy Son. I believe His Royal Highness the Holy Son would immediately come out and slap this damn Terminator into pieces and be proud of it.

This person is not someone else, but a disciple that Lv Wanhong recently accepted.

Lv Wanhong met her in a mountain at the beginning. He felt that this person was quite powerful and was at the level of flying, so he accepted her as his disciple. However, this person was arrogant and claimed that she was at the level of flying, and was unwilling to be Lv Wanhong's disciple. However, when Lv Wanhong showed that the Holy Son he sat on was Huang Jiulong, the supreme figure, this person yielded and became a disciple of the other party.

Now she is a capable general under Lu Wanhong, and has helped him collect a lot of resources recently.

Today, by chance, she passed by here and immediately saw this shocking scene.

However, she was only afraid for a moment. After the fear, she was filled with ecstasy.

If His Royal Highness the Son of God came out, he would definitely beat this Terminator and beat her to pieces. At that time, he would also be able to bring honor to the sect and let those people from the Taixuan Dao Sect next to him see that our Son of God is the real supreme figure, extremely terrifying, and you can never reach him!

Thinking of this, the woman quickly returned to the sect like a flash of lightning.

This news was too exciting for her. She couldn't help wanting to see the Son of God of her own sect show his skills, but His Royal Highness the Son of God always kept a low profile and was always unwilling to take action.

She had repeatedly wanted the other party to show his skills, but the other party never took action. Now that the Terminator is here, he must have taken action.


Not long after, the woman returned to the sect, and the first thing she did was to find Lv Wanhong. However, this was not the first thing she thought, because she did not find Huang Jiulong, so she had no choice but to come to Lv Wanhong.

"Sect Master! Sect Master! I found a big surprise, it really scared me and made me surprised and happy!"

The woman walked quickly to the sect hall, looked at Lv Wanhong who was playing with a ring above, and said in surprise.

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