Then, he cut the hair into countless small pieces, each one smaller than one ten thousandth of the size of an ant, and then began to enlighten the hair.

The sound of "buzzing buzzing" sounded, and soon, one mosquito after another was enlightened, their wings flashed, making a buzzing sound in the air.

When Su Changge enlightened them, he did not give them wisdom. They would just fly around according to their instincts.

Hundreds of mosquitoes flew inside one after another, as if they wanted to suck the blood of the two guards.

Su Changge was overjoyed, and then he mixed with Ye Qingyao among the mosquitoes and flew inside.

"It's strange, why are there so many mosquitoes?" After one of the Ice Prison Zhenyuan guards saw it, his face suddenly looked in disbelief, and he turned to another Ice Prison Zhenyuan guard and said.

The other one was also very puzzled. He touched his scalp and couldn't figure it out. It was underground and it was extremely cold. Even mosquitoes had long been frozen to death in their embryonic eggs. How could they appear alive and well?

They didn't know that this was because Su Changge used magic power to enlighten him this time, and the mosquitoes he inspired were extremely resistant to severe cold.

Because of this, he won't freeze to death.

"Buzz buzz..." A swarm of mosquitoes flew over the two Zhenyuan guards and quickly bit him on the nose.

"Get out!" Zhenyuan Wei was furious, and a surge of coercion quickly erupted from his body. In an instant, the mosquitoes were blown away.

But they didn't expect at all that two seven-star ladybugs had taken the opportunity to pass through them silently and got into the keyhole.

"Wow, Brother Su, it really worked!" Ye Qingyao smiled like a flower.

"Shh, you are still smart! Bingxue is smart. It feels so comfortable to have you around!" Su Changge also smiled.

The two of them communicated through sound transmission and would not be heard by Zhenyuan Guard.

Afterwards, the two of them didn't speak any more and began to drill deeper into the keyhole.

The door with the red bird pattern outside just now has only one pattern and no keyhole, but the good thing is that it does.

And because the stone door is huge, the keyhole is also huge, enough to fit a two-centimetre-thick wooden stick into it.

As you can imagine, this key is also quite large.

The two of them flew inside like this, and finally arrived at the key point of the key.

If the key is inserted, just hook it on this key point and twist it gently, and the door will open.

But now, no need.

Su Changge landed on this key point and exerted a strong force. Suddenly, there was a soft "click" sound at the key point, and the stone door suddenly began to shake.

"Strange, what's going on? Why did the door move?" The voices of two Ice Prison Zhenyuan guards came from outside.

Su Changge had been prepared. Even if they found out, there was nothing they could do, because when Zhenyuan Guard looked for the reason, he and Ye Qingyao had already entered.

Sure enough, after the door shook, a crack opened inside the keyhole. At this time, if someone pushed with external force, the door would open immediately. However, Su Changge and Ye Qingyao did not need to go through the keyhole to enter. They buzzed, Passed through the keyhole and entered inside.

The two Zhenyuan guards were still kept in the dark, not knowing that someone had already entered.

They opened the door and looked for the reason everywhere, but after searching for a long time, they still didn't understand what was going on.


Su Changge and Ye Qingyao looked up and were shocked.

I saw ice prison Zhenyuan guards everywhere here, like soldiers, one after another, lined up in a long line, holding long halberds, and they were constantly patrolling.

They seemed to be unconscious machines, walking to the door, and then walking back to the end of the corridor, repeating the same mechanical movements over and over again.

However, the temperature here is not as cold as before. It is almost the same as on the ground, warm as spring.

Su Changge understood that the owner of the tomb was very wise and fully considered that someone would definitely enter his tomb countless years after his death, so he set up two layers of defense.

The first layer is freezing.

As long as someone dares to break in and walk to where they were, they will immediately be unbearably cold. If they dare to go forward again, they will be frozen into ice sculptures, just like the group of black shadows just now.

Then, even if he was lucky enough to enter the second stone gate, he would still have to face so many ice prison guards.

In other words, it was a narrow escape, but after all the hard work, I was already exhausted and had to face so many powerful opponents five meters tall?

There are so many big guys, who can beat them?

It is estimated that he will be swarmed in an instant and die.

Su Changge sensed it and went away, and found that none of these people's cultivation was low. Each of them was just like the two outside, a terrifying half-step supreme.

As expected of the early Yuan world, it was tyrannical.

"There are actually two little guys coming in. Tsk tsk, I'm so happy." Suddenly, a faint laugh came from the scene.

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