Billion-fold return: With your hands in your pockets, there is no rival!

Chapter 56 The Millennium Creation Pill is in hand! .

Main peak.

In front of the teleportation formation, Su Changge silently escaped from the shadow and appeared behind the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked disciple.

Once a person enters the teleportation array, he will be teleported to the Sutra Pavilion in an instant. There is no light in the teleportation array, and the shadow will disappear for an instant.

So Su Changge escaped from the shadow.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked disciple entered the teleportation array and disappeared instantly.

Su Changge followed closely and disappeared into the teleportation formation.

Soon, two lights flashed at the door of the Sutra Pavilion, and two figures appeared.

"Hey, you are so transparent? Why are you here too?"

The disciple with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks glanced sideways and immediately saw Su Changge, with a hint of disdain on his lips.

Su Changge deliberately let him see it. After all, this person had arrived at the door of the Sutra Pavilion. If he was allowed to get the Good Fortune Pill, he would have come in vain.

You have to find other ways to outsmart him.

Su Changge looked around and found that the sloppy old man was still lying on the recliner, but he was already asleep, still sucking the wine gourd in his mouth.

He smiled faintly and said, "Can't I come?"

"Hahaha, I can definitely come," the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked disciple named Zhang Zongbao, who was extremely cunning, sneered: "I just don't know, which floor are you going to go to, you transparent person?"

Su Changge thought for a moment and said: "Master told me that the higher the level of the sutra collection attic, the better the things inside, so I want to go to the highest level."

Then, he raised his head and looked at the sixth floor of the Sutra Pavilion with longing in his eyes.

Like really wanting to go to the top.

"The highest level? Just you?"

Zhang Zongbao looked at him in disbelief and sneered: "Can you go up there?"

There are formations at the entrance to each floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

The higher the floor, the scarier the formation is and the harder it is to get up.

Fortunately, this is a special period, so the sect leader has weakened the formation.

Even though it has weakened, Zhang Zongbao still thinks that Su Changge is so transparent that it is impossible to go up at all, and even going to the second floor is difficult.

How can a person who is transparent and unable to practice resist that formation?

Su Changge said calmly: "Master told me that the road to cultivation is long and arduous. As long as you have great perseverance, you can eventually climb it."

In fact, he did all this just to pave the way for Zhang Zongbao.

When he got here, he felt that the heat was almost there, and then said: "How about this, let's make a bet, within one stick of incense, I will be able to go up to the sixth floor. If you don't believe it, go up and wait for me first. Remember Timing.”

Zhang Zongbao smiled coldly: "You're just farting! You want one stick of incense? I'll give you ten sticks of incense time on horseback. I'm afraid you won't even be able to get up!"

The corner of Su Changge's mouth raised a slight arc and said: "You think too much of me. What would you do if I climbed up with a stick of incense!"

"Hahaha, you are so transparent! Okay, I will go to the sixth floor and wait for you. I want to see if you can blow off your bullshit!"

Zhang Zongbao laughed loudly, immediately entered the Sutra Pavilion, climbed to the second floor, and then climbed to the third floor, reaching the top in a short time.

When he reached the top floor, he took out a stick of incense, lit it, and started counting!

When Su Changge saw him coming up, the corner of his mouth moved and he sneered: "Only a fool would bet with you!"

He quickly entered the Sutra Pavilion, went straight to the second floor, and started looking around.

After a while, I found a stone slab at the bottom of a bookshelf near the corner.

The stone slab was purple-gray, with a lot of dust on it, and it was unremarkable.

Su Changge took it in his hand, blew away the dust in one breath, and then began to check for clues.

After a while, he found a protrusion on the stone slab, which seemed to be a mechanism.

Press the protrusion and there will be a "click" sound, and the stone slab will automatically separate, revealing the internal interlayer.

Immediately, a strong fragrance of red dandelion hits your nostrils. It tastes like spring dew, making people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Su Changge looked down and saw that this object was about the size of a fingernail, round, like a bead, with an entire body of emerald green, and a pure air of creation flowing around it. It was very extraordinary.

This is the Millennium Fortune Pill!

In order to prevent Zhang Zongbao from noticing the clues, Su Changge quickly put the Millennium Fortune Pill on his body. As for the stone slab, it was of no use, so he put it back in its place.

Get this deal done

He raised his feet and left the Sutra Pavilion, then took the teleportation array and left without looking back.


After Su Changge left, Zhang Zongbao on the sixth floor waited and waited, but he never came up.

"Hahaha, Transparent, with your level of cultivation, you still want to go up to the sixth floor? Stop dreaming!"

After waiting for a while, the incense in front of me burned to the bottom, and the time was up.

"The cowhide is blown!"

Zhang Zongbao laughed loudly, raised his head high, and felt proud!

Immediately, he walked downstairs.

He turned around every floor, but he couldn't find Su Changge.

This made him look happy and laughed: "Maybe he couldn't get up, lost the bet, was so ashamed, and ran away!"

Not to mention how good Zhang Zongbao's mood was, as if he was pulsating after drinking.

Next, he began to look for his own opportunities.

The reason why he came here today was because he was practicing in the square of Taifeng just now, but at a certain moment, he suddenly felt that the Sutra Pavilion had its own opportunity.

So he came here.

Time passed by slowly, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Zongbao searched for a long time, but found nothing.

This made him gradually irritated. He always felt as if the destined treasure had passed him by, but it was not accurate, which was very strange.

Finally, he returned to Taifeng in a depressed mood and continued to practice.

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