"Wow, the air here is fresh, it's completely different from what it was just now, it's really good!" Ye Qingyao took a deep breath of fresh air and laughed softly.

Su Changge was more cautious, and he used the Soul Tempering Secret Technique to see if there was anything unusual about this place.

But when he looked around, it was just like a beautiful place in the outside world, there was nothing unusual.

There was even no miasma just now, let alone toxins.

Originally, he thought there should be poison in the air, and this paradise was just a trick, but he didn't expect to guess wrong.

"Let's go."

Su Changge led her to the ground.

Soon, he was on the ground, and Su Changge looked up. This was really an animal world, with all kinds of animals playing and laughing carefree. They didn't run away when they saw strangers coming in, as if they were familiar with them, and even blinked at them, looking at them with curiosity.

At this time, a giraffe walked up to Ye Qingyao, put its nose close to her head, and sniffed her hair again and again, and no one knew what it was doing.

After a while, the giraffe cried out twice and walked away.

Ye Qingyao was speechless. The animals here were so cute and had no ill will towards her.

She was relieved.

This scene made Su Changge even more strange.

Where is the good Gangxing Li Zicheng?

What about so many Dishaxing?

This green mountain and green water is like a paradise. Where is the danger?

Not only that, as soon as the inscription was opened, the good Li Zicheng was furious and smashed half of the Canglan Realm with a slap?

The more Su Changge thought about it, the more confused he became.

"Did the Dark Soul Emperor deceive me?" He couldn't help but frown.

Suddenly, Su Changge sensed something, looked into the distance, and said, "It's them!"

He sensed the breath of the leader of the Jiuxuan Sect, which was about 30,000 meters ahead. They were running fast in front. I wonder if they found something good.

"Master, follow them quietly!" He immediately took Ye Qingyao's hand and chased forward.

After a few breaths, he seemed to have reached the outskirts of this paradise. The space "popped" and a ripple appeared. He and Ye Qingyao seemed to have passed through a transparent barrier and arrived at another place.

Su Changge looked around and saw that this place was different from before. There were bones everywhere and corpses piled up like mountains.

The void in the distance was dark and red, and the setting sun was like blood. At the top of the cliff ten thousand meters away, there was an extremely huge human skeleton. His body was like a ten thousand feet high mountain. His ribs were rotten and withered. A rune sword was inserted into his chest. He seemed to be a strong man from the ancient times. He was surrounded by an ancient breath, but he died at this moment.

It can be seen that he was killed by this rune sword piercing his chest.

"Disciple, it seems that there has been a great battle here..." Ye Qingyao looked around and saw traces of the battle everywhere. There were gullies formed by the aftermath of the battle on both sides. There were many ruins and the breath of death was everywhere.

Looking down the cliff, there was a black fog and nothing could be seen, but half of a huge skull could be vaguely seen, which seemed to be the owner of the rune sword.

From this point of view, things were very clear. Thousands of years ago, two extremely powerful people fought here. One of them pierced the other's chest with a rune sword, but the other used some unknown method to step on him and crush his skull alive. The two died just like that, and now they have weathered and become fossils.

Even across endless eras, one can still imagine the fierceness of the battle that day.

"That sword should be a treasure!" Su Changge's mind moved, and his figure instantly came to the chest of the skeleton, raised his hand to touch the hilt, and wanted to pull out the rune sword.

At this close distance, any rib of the opponent is ten times his height.

However, as soon as his hand touched the rune sword, the rune sword suddenly shone with golden light, and mysterious ancient patterns lit up, as if an extinguished star was suddenly activated and lit up. It was suddenly entangled with a thread of electricity, and a terrifying crackling sound spread all around.

Su Changge was shocked. He didn't expect that after so many years, this sword could still be used.

At this moment, something strange happened.

The huge skeleton suddenly moved, and then the empty eye sockets lit up. The deep of the eye sockets were like two infinitely shrinking suns, shining with golden light, as if suddenly alive.

"You... people of the future... ants!!"

The skeleton moved its body, as if it wanted to slap Su Changge to death, but as soon as it finished this sentence, the light in its eyes suddenly went out, and then it was motionless.

It was as if the robot suddenly lost its last energy and died completely.

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