He closed his thin lips tightly and said after a while, "what I decide will never change!"


At night, in the Qin family's mansion, Qin Kaifeng stayed in his mother's room and never left. In front of the room, there was a picture of old lady Qin.

"Why did you do this in those years? Why didn't you want to tell me the truth at the last moment? Do you want this secret to be a secret forever? Or do you actually know the worst result, so you'd rather not say anything?" Qin Kaifeng muttered to himself looking at the last photo.

He had many guesses, and the worst thing was that the child might have died long ago, and the mother might know this, so she would rather not say anything.

Plum blossom watch, J City accent, a man about 177cm tall, may be in the age range of 27-35. If the man is still alive, he should be around 50 now.

But just such a clue is like looking for a needle in a haystack. After so many years, I'm afraid it's hard to find it now

But Rao is so. He still sends people to investigate and inquire. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will always look for it.

"Yuanyuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well, even our children." Qin Kaifeng blamed himself. What made him more painful was that it was his mother who caused all this!

He loved Yuanyuan, but he caused the worst pain to Yuanyuan. No wonder Zhengfeng scolded him like that. Now he just feels that Zhengfeng scolded him not hard enough.

A servant tapped on the doorway, "Sir, a Mr. Fan is looking for you."

Qin Kaifeng frowned and said, "OK, let Mr. Fan go to the study." finally, Qin Kaifeng took another look at the mother's portrait, sighed and walked out of the room.

Up to now, no matter how much resentment and sigh, it is useless. His mother is gone, and it will never be possible for someone to give him an answer.

When he got to the study, Qin Kaifeng looked at Mr. Fan in front of him and smiled slightly. "Has Mr. Fan found out the eyebrows?" this man is a private detective he hired and the best detective in J city. He is especially good at tracing things that are old, so he spared no expense to invite him to investigate Yuanyuan's children.

"I've checked some information for you to have a look." the other party said, "There were not many people who could afford the plum blossom watch in those years, so let the woman you mentioned, Mr. Qin, recognize the model of the plum blossom watch she saw. It was a new model in those years. When the woman saw it, it was only two years before it was available, so the scope was reduced a lot, and then transfer the list of people who filled in the purchase information in the counter in those years. No It's a long time ago, so the information may not be complete. Of course, there may be this transaction in the second-hand market, which is difficult to find out. So, Mr. Qin, take a look at this list first to see if there are people you know. "

A few pages of paper printed the people who bought the watch in J City in those two years. In those years, there were not many people who could afford the watch, so there were not many lists even within the scope of J city. Qin Kaifeng looked at it page by page. Suddenly, when he turned to one page, he was stunned.

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