Yuan Mengtian looked at Qin Sitong's back, and a sneer escaped from the corner of his lips. The Market Research Report simply didn't fall in the conference room, so Qin Sitong couldn't be found no matter how to find it.

Just as she was about to return to her office, the remaining light in the corner of her eye inadvertently glanced at the computer screen Qin Sixi didn't turn off and was stunned.

What is displayed on the computer screen is a page of word document, and the content in the document page is the script of the sound of the wind.

The editor in chief only asked her to write the script, but did not let other writers write it at all. In other words, Qin Sitong's script is just something written in private.

What does Qin Sitong want to write this? Do you want to show it to the editor in chief after writing it? Yuan Mengtian quickly scanned the script on that page, then sat in front of Qin Sitong's computer and found the documents of Qin Sitong's other scripts without much effort.

At the moment, there was no one else in the screenwriter's office. Yuan Mengtian looked at the documents in Qin Sitong's computer, took out a USB flash disk and copied all those documents into his USB flash disk.

Qin Sitong didn't know yuan Mengtian's little moves. When she walked into the conference room, she unexpectedly saw a strange man sitting on the chair in the conference room, with his head down and his hands rubbing and pressing at the temple.

Like hearing the sound of pushing the door in, the man said, "help me come and rub my forehead. My eyes are a little uncomfortable." in the clear baritone, there is a touch of uncomfortable meaning.

Qin Si Tong was stunned and came to the other party. As soon as she approached, she saw the other party's appearance. This is a very clear, meaningful and elegant man with white skin, long eyebrows and a nose. His eyes are closed because of discomfort at the moment. His thick black eyelashes drop a shadow on his eyelids. His thin lips are slightly opened. From time to time, a slight groan overflows from his mouth. Even his eyebrows are frowning because of discomfort.

Qin Sitong then stretched out his hands and put them on each other's temples, but inevitably touched his fingers.

The man's body suddenly shook, and suddenly his backhand grabbed Qin Sitong's hand.

A burst of pain came from her wrist, and the next moment, the man's closed eyes slowly opened and turned to Qin Sitong.

At the moment when the four eyes were connected, Qin Si Tong couldn't help breathing. It was a pair of very beautiful eyes, slightly narrow eyes, deep and dark, but it also inexplicably gave people an empty feeling, as if his eyes were desolate, there was nothing, and there was no color.

In my impression, a long time ago, there was a person's eyes that gave her such a feeling. That person also had a pair of beautiful eyes, but those eyes could not see anything. They were empty. She regretted in her heart more than once. Why did God give that person such beautiful eyes, but did not give light?

Time passed too long. She didn't remember that person's voice and appearance. The only thing that impressed her was that pair of eyes, a pair of empty eyes that couldn't see any light.

Almost subconsciously, she raised another hand that was not clasped by his wrist and waved it in front of his eyes, as if to prove whether these eyes could see or not.

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