When her hand pulled away, the man felt a little lost.

"The colleague is a little uncomfortable, so I help him rub his forehead." Qin Sitong quickly explained.

Du Qianhui almost choked in his throat. colleague? This is the prince of the Han family, let alone Chenxing. In J City, a move of the Han family can shock the business community, let alone the prince. He will be the person in charge of the Han family in the future!

Du Qianhui was trying to explain, but he saw that Han zixie had taken down the small square towel covering his eyes, stood up and winked.

Du Qianhui can become the CEO of Chenxing. On the one hand, he is capable, on the other hand, he is good at observing words and colors. At han zi's analysis, Du Qianhui immediately understood and understood that the prince didn't want the female employee to know her identity, so he said, "OK, go out first. I have something to tell the employee."

Qin Sitong glanced at Han zixie's appearance and felt that the other party seemed much better, so he didn't say anything and left the conference room.

Du Qianhui came forward, a little uneasy and said, "big or small, I was negligent. I didn't expect someone to break into the conference room."

"Nothing." Han zixie waved his hand lightly, "that employee, still has some meaning."

At least for so many years, no one will force his face to face up.

Du Qianhui's eyes showed a trace of surprise. At least the four words "some meaning" can make people have a lot of associations.

"How's the preparatory work for the sound of the wind?" Han Zixi said.

Du Qianhui hurriedly entered the working state and reported to Han zixie. At the same time, he also sighed that he could let the prince personally intervene in the preparatory work of the company. It can be seen that the prince really attaches great importance to the film.

After Qin Sitong returned to the office, Tang Qin shouted to her anxiously, "Sitong, please see if there is anything wrong with your computer. Here in the screenwriter department, several computers are collectively infected with viruses, and all the data in the computer have been washed."

Qin Si Tong was surprised and hurriedly looked at her computer. Naturally, no one was lucky to escape this disaster. The documents in her computer also became a blank.

"What's the matter? Inexplicably infected with a virus, is the computer firewall a decoration?" Tang Qin shouted. Several other screenwriters in the screenwriter department are also suffering a face, especially those who have no backup of the data.

The technicians from the computer network Department of the company soon came and began to repair the computer, but they could only recover some data, and many data were still missing.

Yuan Mengtian also came to Qin Sitong to ask about the repair of the computer. When Qin Sitong told yuan Mengtian that the investigation report had not been found in the conference room, yuan Mengtian smiled and said, "I later found that the report was sandwiched in my folder. It's not interesting. Si Tong, let you go in vain."

Qin Si Tong was lightly exposed. It seems that yuan Mengtian is still keen to make trouble for her. If yuan Mengtian puts this idea into writing, maybe she can go to a higher level.

The screenwriter department was very busy because of the sudden virus problem. In the next few days, the members of the screenwriter department were trying to fill in the missing data as much as possible. Some of them had not been backed up, so they had to do it again. Instead, they worked overtime, so they were not busy.

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