"When can Si Tong wake up?"

"Didn't the doctor say there was nothing wrong? Why didn't he wake up?"

"How could this happen?"

Who... Whose voice are you?

And uncle... Uncle... Blood on your face, Uncle

Qin Si Tong laboriously opened his eyes. What came into his eyes were Ji Sheng and Cheng Cheng's face.

"Jisheng... Chengcheng... How do you..." she murmured.

"Thank God, you're awake." Chengcheng hurriedly said, "when I saw the news on the Internet, it really scared me to death."

When she was watching the computer, a pop-up window came out with such a new news. She was a little easier. As a result, she almost didn't scare her to death. Therefore, she immediately asked Yu Guheng to find out the hospital and then rushed over.

"Well, there's no big problem with Sitong at last." Yu Guheng said and patted his wife on the shoulder.

Qin Sicong found that Yu Guheng was also here.

"By the way, where's uncle? Uncle, how's he doing?" Qin Sitong struggled to sit up and said.

Jun Jisheng hurriedly held Qin Sitong and said, "your uncle is still in surgery. He's hurt more than you."

It's natural. Qin Sitong's eyes were wet. At that time, uncle was completely protecting her with his own life. If uncle didn't cross the car at the last minute, she could open her eyes like this. Now she still has the strength to sit up and talk!

"Then I'll wait in front of the operating room." Qin Sitong urgently wanted to lift the quilt and get out of bed.

Jun Jisheng pressed each other's shoulder and said, "let the doctor check your situation first. Your uncle's operation will take at least an hour or two before he can come out. You don't have to hurry for a while. Even if you get to the door of the operating room, you're just waiting."

He had asked Zimu to inquire before. Naturally, he knew how bad Qin Kaifeng was and the approximate time required for the operation.

Qin Si Tong bit the lip flap and knew that Jisheng was worried about himself, so he nodded.

Before long, the doctor went into the ward, checked the condition of Qin Sitong and said, "our preliminary examination, Miss Qin is not a big problem at present, but in the previous blood drawing examination, we found that Miss Qin should be pregnant for about a month. At present, although the fetus is still there, we still have to follow-up observation."

Qin Si Tong was stunned and looked at the doctor strangely. "Pregnant? Do you say I'm pregnant?"

"Yes," said the doctor, "I'm really lucky this time. Under such an impact, the fetus is still alive, but these days, Miss Qin should lie in bed and rest as much as possible."

Qin Si Tong only felt that his mind was blank and could hardly hear what the doctor was saying. She's pregnant?! How is this possible? Jisheng clearly said that they can't have children in their life! But why, now the doctor says she's pregnant?!

"Are you sure you didn't check wrong?" Jun Jisheng's voice sounded in the ward, the same face of disbelief, but more haze in his eyes.

"It shouldn't be wrong. This is Miss Qin's blood test report." the doctor took out a blood test list as he said.

Kong Chengcheng took the list and looked at it. She was pregnant. She usually didn't do all kinds of tests. Some pregnancy related values on the blood test list can also be understood.

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