His eyelashes trembled slightly, slowly, and a cold color flashed in his eyes, "do you know how much I hate my blood? So I will never be born with a child who has inherited my blood."

Her eyes widened. She never knew that he would hate his blood, and that he never wanted to have their own children.

"But I don't understand why you hate your blood... To such an extent that you don't even want to have children?"

"Do you need a reason for disgust? For others, the jun family may be a symbol of wealth and status, but for me, the jun family is more like a cage." the curse of blood and the pain of the full moon can't get rid of him all his life. Since he can't get rid of it, kill it!

It's up to him to kill and cut off this blood.

She only felt a pain in her heart. She didn't know whether it was for his words or his decision not to have a child. "What if I insist on giving birth to this child?" she asked.

He lowered his eyes. "Then you'll never have this chance."

"What do you mean?" she suddenly pushed his hand away, and one hand instinctively protected her abdomen. His words made her feel afraid, as if she was trying the child in her stomach.

"No matter how, I won't let the child stay." he slowly straightened up and looked down at her. "Si Tong, it's enough for two people to depend on each other between us. We never need any more children."

At this moment, she just felt cold to the bone.


"Jisheng, even if there are no children between us, I will accompany you and love you."

"Jisheng, if we can adopt children in the future, we can give our love to the adopted children."

"Miss Qin is now about four weeks pregnant."

"Si Tong, we don't need any children between us."

"I won't let the child stay."

No... no! This is their child!

"Ah!" Qin Sitong suddenly opened his eyes. What came into his eyes was the ceiling of the ward.

Was she asleep just now? She looked at the sky outside the window. It seemed to be evening now. It was a little dark. Did she sleep so long?

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open. Jun Jisheng came in with something in his hand. After seeing Qin Sitong sitting up, he said, "are you awake? Are you hungry? I'll have someone bring dinner later."

She pursed her lips and looked at him. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

He went to the front of the hospital bed and said, "in the afternoon, Kong Chengcheng and Gu Heng came to see you, but they didn't wake you up when they watched you fall asleep."

"Jisheng." her voice was dry. "Let me keep the child. This is our child. I want to give birth to the child."

He looked a little restrained. "I've said that the child can't stay. I've taken the medicine. You're still pregnant early. You can use medicine flow, which has little impact on your body."

Drug flow?! She was stunned, and then she saw what he was holding. It was a box of mifepristone tablets. She knew it was a drug used to stop pregnancy.

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