"Are you ready? I'll go to the hospital with you now." Jun Jisheng said.

Qin Si Tong only felt that her chest was pressed by a heavy stone, which made her out of breath. He came back just to take her to the hospital for surgery.

Surgery to remove their children.

"Did you... Spend the night in the hotel last night?" she heard her voice asking.

He was slightly stunned, raised his eyes and looked at her. Then he seemed to think of something. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. "Well", I think she saw his positioning foothold from her mobile phone.

"So, your cell phone hasn't left you, has it?" she asked a second question.

"Yes," he said, "I had something to do last night, so I spent the night at the hotel." in the hotel, I spent the pain of the full moon alone.

She only felt her lips dry and her throat was blocked by something. After a long time, she said again in her dry voice, "have you always been alone?"

Her strange appearance made him frown slightly, "what are you trying to say?"

Her eyes fell on his face. Yes, what did she want to ask? Since his mobile phone has never left him, isn't it enough for Yu Xuanyi to answer her phone at the location of the hotel?

"Jisheng, do you really love me?" she murmured. If he really loved her, why didn't he come back all night? Why did Yu Xuanyi answer the phone? Why did Yu Xuanyi know that she wanted an abortion, and why did he force her to remove the child so resolutely? Is it really as simple as he said?

Or, in fact, his love for her is not as good as she imagined?

He closed his thin lips tightly, thinking that she wanted to force her again for the sake of her children's going and staying. A trace of impatience flashed through Feng's eyes. He said coldly, "don't say these meaningless words again. This is your promise, isn't it? As long as I save your uncle, you are willing to kill the child. I don't want to force you, but I hope you don't force me." he didn't want to force her. He just wanted her to be willing.

Qin Sitong's body trembled slightly, meaningless... For him, did her words have no meaning?

What she promised... Her promise

At this moment, her heart was desolate, and her tears seemed to flow out.

After taking a deep breath, she said in a hoarse voice, "I know. Now, I'll go to the hospital with you."

He saved his uncle, and she needed to fulfill her promise.

They are clearly husband and wife, but now between them, it is not feelings, it is just a transaction, a sad transaction.

The child in her belly may have no fate with her. In the end, she was just like a string puppet. As a mother, she couldn't protect her children.

On the way to the hospital, the car was silent. Qin Sitong just lowered his head and looked at his flat abdomen.

How much hope she can watch the child born, how much hope she can accompany the child to grow up, and how much hope she can hear the child call her mother.

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