Kong Chengcheng didn't think what he said was enough. He swung his fist and hit Jun Jisheng directly, regardless of his big belly at the moment.

She was so angry that she was not worth it for her good friends. Si Tong is only 23 years old. Is it gone?

Yu Guheng quickly grabbed his wife. He was deeply afraid that his wife would accidentally provoke Jisheng to do it. Even if Jisheng just waved his hand reflexively, I'm afraid Chengcheng might not be able to bear it.

"You let go of me!" Kong Chengcheng was unwilling. "I want to breathe for Sitong. She is too bitter. It shouldn't be like this. Originally, she could be very happy!"

"Chengcheng..." Yu Guheng said, "stop talking and don't fight again. I think Jisheng... He has suffered enough. Sitong is also life for him!"

That's Jisheng's life! There is only one life to depend on, and it is also the only person who has fallen in love so far!

Without Qin Sitong, Yu Guheng didn't even dare to think about the future of Jun Jisheng.

"Child... Child... She... Wanted to protect the child... So she got on the ship..." Jun Jisheng murmured. The child was so important to her. Why didn't he notice it before?

Why did he think that she could quickly forget the pain of losing her children and that they could recover as before?

She said to go back to the city and to the ancestral temple... Is it a farewell?!

She wants to divorce him and run away... All for the sake of giving birth to the child.

Why... Why didn't he find out all this until now?!

He stumbled and couldn't stand steadily. He had to support the table with his hands to support his weight. What kind of mood did she use to talk to him that she forgave him? In what mood are you saying goodbye to him?

Chest pain, bursts of severe pain, like telling him what he lost!

It's too painful. The heart seems to be contracting violently. Every nerve in the whole body is twisted and tingling.

Today is clearly not a full moon, but why does he feel so painful? It hurts so much that I can't breathe or myself.

Jun Jisheng's hand clung to the edge of the table, and the green veins on the back of his hand burst. In front of him, Qin Sitong's face and her voice and smile were all in front of him.

So beautiful, so good, but now, it seems more and more cruel.

Finally, as if he could no longer bear the pain, he roared low and knocked his right hand on his heart, "Sitong... Sitong..."

He called her name, but she would never answer him again.

After Yu Guheng, it was not easy to hold Kong Chengcheng. Looking at Jun Jisheng, he couldn't bear it, so he said, "Jisheng, the matter has come to this point. Don't think about it any more. Maybe you can find Sitong again."

Just the word "find" can be heard by anyone, but it's just a comfort.

"It's me." Jun Jisheng slowly raised his head and looked at Yu Guheng. Tears kept rolling down from his scarlet Phoenix eyes. His face was miserable. Even Yu Guheng had never seen such a painful expression on his friend.

The pain he showed at the moment was not the pain brought by the body, but the pain in the spirit and soul, as if the whole person had been trapped in hell and could not struggle.

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