Qin Sitong thought and looked at Jun Jisheng secretly. He just felt that his situation at the moment was really like when he had a hidden disease. His face was pale and his body seemed to be unstable even standing. The green tendons on his forehead and the back of his hands burst out, and his breathing was heavy and rapid.

Suddenly, Qin Sitong only saw Jun Jisheng's expression, which seemed to change. He suddenly turned his head and looked in her direction.

She quickly shrunk to avoid being seen by the other party. Now she just asks him to leave quickly so that she can escape smoothly.

I always thought that even if he came to G City, they were like two parallel lines, which could not intersect. However, I didn't expect to meet him so soon. It was still under such circumstances.

At this moment, Jun Jisheng feels the strange feeling in his body.

At the moment, the pain was spreading in his body. This time, the pain of the full moon came earlier than he thought, and caught him off guard. He had to find a conference room temporarily and wanted to use medicine to suppress the pain first.

Over the years, the effectiveness of painkillers has become weaker and shorter.

Every time you take more painkillers, your body will have more immunity. I'm afraid if you take more painkillers, it will completely fail him.

But even so, in this case, he has to eat. After eating, he may have at least more than half an hour to temporarily suppress the pain and make him return to his place first.

Just as he took out the medicine, his body felt a strange feeling, the abnormal intensity of his heart beating, and an unknown desire spread from his body, all over his limbs and bones.

What is this feeling? It's like reminding him that what he craves is within his reach, and his physical instinct is desperately asking him to grasp it

But... What do you want to catch?

What is this feeling?

The pain suddenly increased again, and his hand suddenly loosened, and the medicine bottle in his hand fell to the ground, rolling along the floor towards the sofa.

Jun Jisheng breathed hard and walked towards the medicine bottle.

Take the medicine quickly, otherwise the pain will only get worse and worse

But now, the pain in his body and the strange feeling seemed to oppose his reason. The more you want to suppress the pain, the more severe the pain erupts.

"Hoo... Hoo..." his gasp was so rapid, and his teeth pressed against him to restrain the painful voice in the overflow

Such pain, in the end have to endure too long? What is the purpose of his life? Just to find his life?

"Mingyi... Where... Is it..." he roared low, and then his teeth bit the lip flap hard, painful... His Mingyi, do you know how painful he is? Do you know that there is a person in this world who needs him or her to live?

In this world, can there really be a person who depends on him?

Qin Si Tong shrunk and only vaguely heard Jun Jisheng shouting something hoarsely, but the voice was too vague. She couldn't hear what he shouted. The only thing she could hear was the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

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