After peeling the remaining shrimp shells, Jun Jisheng put the shrimp meat into his daughter's bowl, and then picked up a shrimp and peeled it.

After a while, there were several shrimp meat in his daughter's bowl. It is undeniable that he peeled the shrimp shell much faster than her, and the shape was very complete and good-looking. Even when pulling the shell, he pulled the tendon on the shrimp's back directly, which was much better than her technique.

Qin Sitong can only comfort her that she grew up on the beach. She must have more shrimp from snacks than her. Naturally, she can peel shrimp better than her.

The little guy didn't forget to add, "Daddy peels better than Mommy."

Qin Sitong was speechless.

"Why don't you eat?" Jun Jisheng asked Qin Sitong after shelling shrimp.

Qin Sitong quickly bowed his head and ate his own food. As a result, some shelled shrimps fell into her bowl. She looked up in surprise and saw Jun Jisheng's faint tunnel, "by the way." the implication was that this was for her daughter after shelling the shrimps.

"I'll peel it myself." she said uneasily.

"You peel it so ugly that the shrimp must cry," he said.

"..." please, what's this? As a result, the little guy giggled, "Yan Yan will peel shrimp for Mommy later." as he said, the little guy also peeled shrimp shells like Jun Jisheng.

Qin Si Tong didn't know whether to say that his daughter was intimate or was fuelling Jun Jisheng's arrogance. But in this way, the meal was not boring.

After dinner, the little guy had to wash his hands as usual. Jun Jisheng took the little guy to the washing table, but there was no special bench for the little guy. The height of the little guy obviously couldn't reach the washing table.

Jun Jisheng picked up the little guy directly, and then the little guy pressed the hand sanitizer himself. He washed his hands very smoothly.

"Xiangxiang." the little guy also put his washed hands in front of Jun Jisheng.

Looking at this lovely little man, Jun Jisheng's face couldn't help showing a smile. There was no disguise, but a smile from the heart.

"Daddy smiles beautifully. Yan Yan likes daddy's smile, and Mommy will like daddy's smile," the little guy said.

"Really?" Jun Jisheng turned his head and looked at Qin Sitong, who was standing aside and looking at the scene, "I smile. Will you like it?"

Qin Si Tong was completely caught off guard. Originally, she just wanted to come and see how her daughter's hands were washed, but she was asked such a question.

At the moment, looking at his daughter's bright eyes, Qin Sitong could only harden his head and say, "hi... Like."

"Really?" Jun Jisheng held his daughter and approached Qin Sitong. "How much do you like it?"

Qin Sitong stared at Jun Jisheng. He knew that she had to answer like this because of her daughter.

"Don't you say it? If you don't say it again, I..." his voice suddenly paused, his body seemed to tremble, and then his hand holding his daughter was also relaxed, and the little guy immediately fell out of his arms.

Qin Si Tong was surprised and quickly reached out to catch his daughter. Fortunately, they were very close at the moment. This was a thrill.

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