A snort came from her ear, as if laughing at her guess, "if I agree to your additional items in the contract, are you willing to sign the contract?"

"What?" she didn't react.

"I can agree to your additional items, but I have to change the last half sentence. I can meet most of your requirements, but in case of conflict with my requirements, my requirements shall prevail."

Qin Sitong was stunned and could hardly believe his ears. "You mean... You will be loyal to me all your life? Never betray me?"

"Yes," he replied with little hesitation.

Come on, does this man know what this means!

Qin Sitong had a crazy impulse, and her ear heard Jun Jisheng's cold voice, "Qin Sitong, since you met me, I want it all your life. When you sign the contract, you can leave."

What do you mean? He wants her all her life! Well, if you change to those idol love dramas, maybe this is a good line, but this word comes out of Jun Jisheng's mouth, which only makes her have an inexplicable uneasiness.

Just because she had a relationship with him that time, he "experienced" well, so he planned to "keep" her for a long time?!

After coming out of Jun Jisheng's study in the morning, she learned from Yu Zimu that the security systems used in the place where she is now are world-class, and there are bodyguards around the house. Without Jun Jisheng's consent, she couldn't get out of here at all.

Tomorrow is Monday. If she doesn't show up at school at that time, she will be absent from class. Moreover, there is Professor Yan's class in Monday's class. The professor is notoriously strict. If she misses his class, the class will be taken at the end of that semester.

Qin Sitong wanted to call the police to rescue her from the situation of restricted life freedom, but the mobile phone picked up and put it down.

At this time, it's no use looking for the police! With Jun Jisheng's power, it is estimated that the police can't enter here.

When Qin Sitong stood in front of Jun Jisheng again, Jun Jisheng said, "are you going to sign the contract?"

"But there are some things I need to change," she said, biting her lips. Whether she can leave here may depend on the outcome of the negotiations at the moment.

"What do you want to change?" Jun Jisheng's expression was faint, as if she would not be surprised to put forward this request.

She took a deep breath, "President Jun, you know, we are actually... Er, not familiar. I can't be loyal to one person immediately and don't betray anything in my life. In addition, if you put forward some excessive requirements to me, even if you really want to lock me here for a lifetime, I won't do it!"

"Like what?" he asked.

"For example, if you want to force me to have a relationship with you, I won't agree anyway!" she said firmly. One mistake is enough, but she will never let this mistake continue!

The Dark Phoenix eyes stared at her, and she couldn't help swallowing the saliva in her throat. The feeling of tension filled the whole body, as if the air pressure in the air had suddenly decreased a lot.

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