The video of the wedding anniversary is played on the screen. In the video, it can be seen that Ji Sheng and Qin Sitong are very happy. Looking at this video, Yu Guheng is a little sour. How happy he was in the past, the more cruel he is now.

Yu Guheng glanced at his friends, but he saw Jun Jisheng quietly looking at the broadcast picture, with a smile on his lips, as if immersed in the past.

At the end of this video, Yu Guheng finally understood the reason why his friends recovered their memory. It was actually because of this!

But when the video ended, the picture on the screen changed again. Qin Sitong in the picture looked haggard and calm, as if he had underestimated everything.

"Ji Sheng, I'm leaving. I once said I would love you all my life, but now I can't do it. I resented you and hated you, but now I don't want to resent and hate again, so I'm willing to forgive you. If there is a next life, I hope you don't know me and I don't know you in the next life, so no one will hurt anyone It won't hurt. "

After a pause, she added, "I don't know if you will have a chance to see this video. In fact, you are also very contradictory. You don't know whether to leave this paragraph, so you have the right to see the will of God."

"Providence, let me see her words six years later." Jun Jisheng's voice sounded in the room.

Yu Guheng looked at his friend. At the moment, there was no longer the smile that seemed to recall happiness, but a deep pain, "Gu Heng, how wrong did you say I did? Once she said she would be with me in the next life. She said she loved me, but I ruined all her love and asked her not to see me again in the next life. In the next life... She didn't know me, and I didn't know her... Why was I so stubborn at that time? Why didn't she give birth to a child? Why can't you see what's really important to me? I'm more like a blind man than Han zixie! "

Jun Jisheng roared. Bursts of pain came from his heart. These videos, especially the one in which she left a message at the end of her heart, hurt him once every time. However, even so, he would continue to watch repeatedly, watching the people he loved most in the video, watching the joy and mistakes.

His hand kept pounding his chest, as if to make himself more painful.

It's not enough pain! Such pain is far from enough for him to hurt her at the beginning!

"Ji Sheng, it was six years ago. It has passed. At least Si Tong is still alive. You can do a lot of things." Yu Guheng stepped forward with an arrow.

"Yes, she's still alive." he smiled miserably, "but..." he looked down at his right hand, "this hand gave her a slap and even let her roll... I even suspected that she didn't want me to restore my memory because of aihan zixie. How outrageous did you say I was wrong?"

But before Yu Guheng could speak, Jun Jisheng raised his hand and slapped him in the face. This slap was very heavy, and the crisp slap sounded in the room.

————The hero and heroine should be able to meet tomorrow. This weekend is crazy. They didn't sleep until 2 a.m. the day before yesterday and 4 a.m. yesterday (oh, it should be said that they didn't sleep until 4 a.m. this morning) Drag my husband to give me a hand. When I use my mobile phone code for today's content, my husband helps me upload the changed chapters and chapter replacement. I hope all the chapters can be replaced tonight ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I also hope that my parents can continue to support the text. Those who have votes still hope to vote. I also try my best to write ~ ~ ~ I hope it will be smooth later this year~~~

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