It's Jun Jisheng!

Qin Sitong never thought that he would see Jun Jisheng on such an occasion. Especially... She only saw him yesterday, but she saw him again today.

"This is Mr. Jun Jisheng. I guess I don't need to introduce more. You should all know it." sister Han said. After all, the fact that Jun Jisheng came to G city before was a big news. Especially later, Jun Jisheng reported that he had saved Si Tong's daughter, which was naturally known by the people of J city.

They hurriedly said they knew. While sitting down, they also looked at sister Han suspiciously, wondering why Jun Jisheng would appear here.

Qin Sitong also found a seat and sat down.

But the seats in the conference room are always arranged according to their qualifications. The people who come to the conference are older than her. Even if there is no famous brand in the conference room, they all consciously sit from front to back according to their qualifications.

Qin Sitong naturally sat at the end of the conference table, while Jun Jisheng sat at the head opposite Qin Sitong. They can be said to be one head and one tail.

Just Rao is so, Qin Si tong can still feel Jun Jisheng's eyes falling on her, as if looking at her.

But fortunately, Jun Jisheng didn't stare at her all the time, which made her a little relieved.

"Well, Mr. Jun decided to invest 100 million more in our TV series, and after the crew officially started shooting, he officially entered the crew as an investor to do some... Er, work and observation." sister Han said finally, she also looked at Mr. Jun Jisheng and saw that he had no objection to what she said.

A hundred million investment can be said to be a pie from the sky for this TV play. Originally, this play had the investment of Han group and Qin group. Coupled with the initial investment, the scale has actually reached 300 million. With this amount of money, it can naturally produce excellent film and television plays.

So sister Han didn't want to invest again, but who would have thought that Jun Jisheng took the initiative to talk about investment, which completely surprised and delighted sister Han, but the only condition was that she could join the crew at any time.

As for why she joined the crew, sister Han asked, but Jun Jisheng just said faintly that she wanted to know more about the shooting situation of the crew. Of course, this is superficial. I haven't heard of this gentleman's interest in film and television entertainment before.

After hearing that Jun Jisheng was going to join the crew, the people participating in the meeting all looked different. Qin Sixi looked at Jun Jisheng in surprise, but he looked right at him.

For a moment, she seemed to feel like falling into his eyes. He invested and he joined the crew... Is it because of her?

"Mr. Jun, do you have anything else to add?" sister Han asked Jun Jisheng.

"No," said Jun Jisheng, "it's almost time for lunch. I'll be the host today."

So a group of people booked a box in a restaurant near the company, and Qin Sitong naturally had to go with them. When she sat down at the big round table in the box, there was a sister Han between her and Jun Jisheng.

Sister Han often comes to this restaurant, so Jun Jisheng recommends the dishes here. With a faint smile, Jun Jisheng orders several dishes recommended by sister Han and many other dishes. Qin Sitong carefully realizes that the dishes ordered behind Jun Jisheng are actually suitable for her taste.

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