However, to her great regret, Qin Kaifeng didn't come to pick up Jun Leyan in person. Otherwise, Qin Sitong would only be more miserable if Qin Kaifeng was killed together.

Not long later, Yu Xuanyi saw the man and woman walking out of the kindergarten, and the woman was still holding junle Yan in her hand.

Men walk in front, while women lead junle Yan in the back, with a distance of two or three steps between them.

The man went to the door of the car and opened the door of the driver's seat, while the woman with junle Yan walked towards the back door.

Because the bomb would not explode until 10 seconds later, seeing that the three people had entered the bomb range, Yu Xuanyi couldn't wait to press the switch. She was afraid that if it was late, the car would drive away directly.

Suddenly, the bomb timing device under the car began to count down.

The bodyguard who was about to fasten his seat belt suddenly frowned. He just felt like he heard a voice in his ear. An instinctive sense of crisis immediately spread in his heart.


Almost subconsciously, he felt something wrong, and then shouted to the servant who had not completely reached the door, "take the young lady away, it's dangerous!"

"Hey?" the servant didn't react, but he subconsciously stepped back with Jun Le Yan.

But the servant didn't retreat quickly, and it took only 3 or 4 seconds from the time the bodyguard spoke to the time the servant retreated. Suddenly, with an explosion, the car was blown up. The explosion blew the bodyguard, servant and junle Yan to the ground, and even some pedestrians on the road were affected.

blamed! Yu Xuanyi gritted her teeth with hate. Almost, the servant and junleyan separated from the edge of the explosion and were not blown to pieces. Now they fell to the ground, but they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

If you are alive... No, Qin Sitong's daughter can't be alive. It took her so much effort to get to this point. How could she let the child live and see the three of them reunite?

Taking advantage of the chaos at the moment of the scene and the smoke and dust from the car explosion, Yu Xuanyi lowered her body and ran to junle Yan. She directly picked up junle Yan who had also fainted from the hands of the unconscious maid, and then ran quickly to her car and left the scene quickly.

In the car, Yu Xuanyi explored the little guy's nose and found that he was still angry. There are many blood marks on the little guy's body, and there is blood on his head.

How lucky!

Yu Xuanyi curled her mouth. If only the little guy had been killed by the explosion just now, it would save her effort. But now, it is equivalent to that she has to take another step.

When the car arrived at the place agreed by her and her parents, Yu Xuanyi picked up her parents. As soon as Yu Xuanyi's parents got on the car, they were startled when they saw the little guy lying askew in the back seat of the car.

"Xuanyi, this... Child... This child is..."

"It's the child of Jun Jisheng and Qin Sitong!" Yu Xuanyi didn't hide it. Now she came to pick up her parents and planned to escape abroad with her parents.

"Ah? Well... Then hurry to the hospital! The child is badly hurt!"

"Hospital?" Yu Xuanyi sneered, but stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the airport. "Jun Jisheng and Qin Sitong make me and our family so miserable. I want them to taste what pain is."

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