"Still... Can't find Yan Yan?" Qin Sitong asked nervously. Jun Jisheng walked into the residence, with a strong longing in his eyes.

"Wait a few more days, maybe there will be news!" Jun Jisheng said. These days, he spent all his energy looking for his daughter, but he got nothing. Although reason told him that the possibility of finding was very small. The place where Yu Xuanyi's parents left Yan Yan is indeed haunted by wild animals according to the information he has. A five-year-old girl, who has never been seen nearby, has checked all kinds of monitoring that can be found, and has not found it. Then the greatest possibility can only be... He dare not think about it or despair.

If he is desperate, what about Sitong?

He wanted to give Sitong hope anyway. As long as there was a chance, as long as he didn't see his daughter's body one day, he would look for it.

Qin Sitong's eyes became dim and murmured, "wait a few more days? Well... Wait a few more days..."

"Well, let's eat first. The servant said you haven't eaten much in the morning." Jun Jisheng said and led Qin Sitong to the restaurant. The servant had already prepared lunch, which were all delicious meals that were easy to digest.

Jun Jisheng sat down with Qin Sitong. Although the meals were in front of him, Qin Sitong didn't eat. Obviously, his mind was not on eating. Jun Jisheng sighed, picked up the spoon and began to feed her.

One bite, two bites, three bites... She was just chewing mechanically. Suddenly, she frowned, covered her mouth, suddenly stood up and ran towards the washing table.

"Vomit!" Qin Si Tong vomited. He not only vomited all the things he had just eaten, but also vomited some things he had eaten in the morning that had not been completely digested. Until the end, he had nothing to vomit and was still retching.

Jun Jisheng held Qin Sitong and looked at her vomiting. He just felt that his heart was constantly twisting. When such a thing happened, it happened that she was still pregnant, and her physical condition only became worse.

At this moment, he even hoped that she was not pregnant, so that her body might be better.

"I... I'm fine." Qin Sitong said weakly, rinsed his mouth and insisted on returning to the table. "I know that I'm not alone now. I still have a little life in my stomach. I... I'll try my best to eat. I... Can eat."

As she spoke, she picked up her chopsticks, took the vegetables, and tried to eat and chew.

Before long, she began to vomit again, vomit again, eat again... Constantly circulating.

And he looked at her vomit again and again, and his eyes were already red. When she finally ate the food, he looked at him and said, "Jisheng... You don't have to worry about me. I will have a good meal. This is... Yan Yan's brother and sister. I will give birth to the child safely. In this way, when Yan Yan comes back, I will be very happy to see her brother or sister. I... I can't disappoint Yan Yan, can I?"

Jun Jisheng couldn't help holding Qin Sitong in his arms. "Sitong, Yan Yan is still alive. She must be alive. She is our daughter. So many things happened in the past. She's all right. Now how can something happen? I'll find her."

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