But it's not like seeing Mei Beichen before. He will take the initiative to kiss something. Instead, his small head is low and sucks his thumb. His expression becomes dull again.

Of course, Xie Heng knows that this is the appearance of her sister's "good". For her sister, this is the appearance of "good". Just now, young master Wang came to play with her sister. Her mother also told her sister to be "good." and her sister obviously listened to her mother's words.

So, Xie Heng doesn't think her sister is stupid at all, and her mother says that as long as she saves enough money and goes to a big hospital for her sister, her sister will get better and become very smart.

The young Xie Heng also made a decision in his heart that he must study hard, find a good job in the future, and save money with his mother to see a doctor for his sister.

At the moment, Mei Beichen looked at such a quiet girl and felt a little bored. In contrast, he would rather see the little guy who had adhered to him.

Mei Beichen put the little guy down. After the little guy stood firm, he moved his two legs and soon ran to her brother. He also opened his mouth and said, "brother, Nannan... Be good."

"Well, my daughter is very good." Xie Heng said, took the little guy's hand and said respectfully to Mei Beichen, "young master, my sister and I went out first." he also knew that the main house was not the place they should come.

Mei Beichen answered. Xie Heng left with Xie Nannan, and Wang fortunately came close to his friend and said, "what's the matter with you? It looks like you're very upset."

Upset? Did he? Mei Beichen gave Wang a lucky look. At most, he was not used to the sudden coldness of the little guy.

Especially after he had said that he would not drive her home out, the little guy was still looking dull and quiet, completely treating him as air, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, that's all. Even if the little guy's brother keeps saying that she's not a fool, in his opinion, she's still stupid after all.


In the sky, a full moon is hanging in the air with silver moonlight. For many people, they like to see the full moon, which symbolizes perfection and beauty, but for some people, the full moon only represents a kind of pain.

In the Qin family's residence, Qin Sitong held Jun Jisheng's hand in one hand. When walking in the corridor, he stopped and looked up at the full moon hanging in the sky outside the corridor. "You say, does Yan Yan have pain now?" she couldn't help asking. She didn't know whether her daughter had inherited the blood curse or whether her body had pain, All kinds of speculation always churned in her mind.

"Before, Yan Yan didn't show the appearance of inheriting the blood curse. Maybe the blood curse won't appear on her." Jun Jisheng said, looking at his wife painfully.

During this time, his wife was very thin and had severe vomiting. She was vomiting no matter what she ate, but the more she vomited, the more she desperately forced her to eat. He was sad and trembling.

He just wished he could bear the pregnancy instead of her. Losing his daughter, he just suffered mental pain, but she actually suffered both mental and physical pain.

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