"Shangshang... Wuwu... Wuwu..." the girl's eyes were red. Feng's eyes were filled with tears and desperately picked up the torn poster fragments on the ground.

Yao Shanshan was arrogant and said, "hum, I accidentally tore up brother Beichen's things, but brother Beichen won't blame me anyway. You can't steal brother Beichen's things next time. You're not allowed to tell brother Beichen about this!"

But Nannan didn't seem to hear this at all. She just cried and picked up the fragments of posters on the ground, as if this was the most important thing.

And Fang Ruyu on one side suddenly seemed to understand something. Yesterday, my daughter happily took back the poster and said that it was given to her by the young master. The poster was pasted on the wall by my son with my daughter.

All night, my daughter looked at the poster happily. Even when she slept, the corners of her mouth were still smiling.

As a result, who could have thought that this little miss of the Li family would suddenly come out like this.

In fact, it's not stealing. It's just that the little lady of the Li family was jealous, so she came here and destroyed the poster.

But Fang Ruyu could only endure the identity of the other party. But in my heart, I love my daughter more.

When Yao Shanshan left, Fang Ruyu ran to her daughter and said, "good girl, don't cry."

"Still... Not yet..." the little guy said, his hands full of fragments of posters.

Fang Ruyu was distressed, "no, no, just spell it again for you later. It's still there, still there."

"Wuwuwuwuwu..." the little guy cried sadly, "Nan Nan didn't steal anything. It's still given by the young master... Wuwuwuwu... Nan Nan didn't steal."

"Mom knows, mom knows!" Fang Ruyu put her daughter in her arms, but what can she do if she knows? But they are the little miss of the Li family. How can people like them argue with each other?

This grievance can only be swallowed in the stomach.

On the other hand, after leaving the servant's room, Yao Shanshan happened to meet her mother.

"Shanshan, what are you doing here?" Yao Yiyuan said strangely.

"I'll teach that fool a lesson!" Yao Shanshan proudly told her mother what she had just done. Fortunately, it seemed that she had done a more proud thing. "Hum, the poster is torn by me now, and the fool is crying. The fool is not qualified to take brother Beichen's things!"

"Did you tear the poster?" Yao Yiyuan frowned. Tearing the poster was nothing, but the key was that Mei Beichen gave it to the little girl.

"Yes, I tore it. So what? Even if brother Beichen and grandpa Mei knew it, they wouldn't blame me." she stubbed her little neck. Of course, in fact, she was still afraid that brother Beichen would be angry when she knew it, so she warned Fang Ruyu not to say it.

"Don't do this again next time. If someone really accuses you, do you really think Beichen won't be angry with you? You tore the poster he sent in front of people, which is tantamount to beating him in the face." although her daughter is only 6 years old, Yao Yiyuan still tries to remind her daughter that she is afraid of losing her daughter's character and means in the future.

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