The little guy opened his dark Phoenix eyes, and his eyelashes were still stained with tears, but the expression on his face had turned into happiness. He also heavily ordered his small head and kissed Xie Heng's neck.

Xie Heng was so kissed by his sister that he immediately scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

Fang Ruyu then prepared, said to the steward, and left the plum house with her two children.

Think about coming to F City these days, she hasn't brought them out to play, especially the girl, who stays with her at the plum house all day.

Meizhai is a little far from the bus stop. Fang Ruyu is afraid that her daughter can't afford to walk, so she walks with her daughter in her arms. After walking for about 15 minutes, she finally comes to the bus.

The three got on the bus and went to the mall.

In the car, the little guy blinked curiously and looked around. Even the whole person seemed more flexible than usual.

Fang Ruyu's heart moved. Maybe she ran out like this and let her daughter see more outside, which will also help her recover.

At the beginning, the doctor in the hospital also said that if the blood clot in the daughter's brain could be absorbed automatically, her daughter's silly disease might get better by herself.

When she arrived at her destination, Fang Ruyu got off the bus and only saw that there was a sea of people at the door of the mall. Many people were crowded with people. Many people still held signs with Shang QingHan's name or Shang QingHan's photos on the signs. Many people kept shouting. The whole scene was a riot.

Fang Ruyu took a child in one hand and told him, "you two must hold your mother's hand and don't walk away, you know?"

"Well, I know." Xie Heng answered, but Nan Nan didn't answer immediately.

Fang Ruyu knew that her daughter couldn't react, so she told her again, and the little guy nodded his head.

Fang Ruyu and others also learned from some conversations with people nearby that Shang QingHan hasn't arrived at the scene yet. Now these people are all waiting for Shang QingHan outside the mall.

Fang Ruyu thought that since she came, she would buy some food for the children first. She specially brought 200 yuan out today to get some delicious food for the children.

Xie Heng wanted to eat ice cream. Naturally, Nannan shouted, "ice cream, ice cream..."

With her two children, Fang Ruyu went to a mobile ice cream shop at the door of the mall, bought two ice creams and handed them to the two children.

The girl held a cylinder of ice cream in her hands and licked it with her little tongue. She ate it very attentively.

Obviously, the little ice cream guy still likes to eat.

Suddenly, several cars drove towards the gate of the mall. Then, several bodyguards in black uniforms got off and separated the fans, and the security guards of the mall did the same job. Then, a tall figure came out of the car. Those fans were excited and were shouting Shang QingHan's name.

Seeing the scene, Fang Ruyu couldn't help sighing that the big star was too popular.

The little guy was short and couldn't see the scene over there. Fang Ruyu picked up her daughter and wanted her to see the big star.

As soon as the little guy was picked up, he immediately saw the figure slowly moving forward surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

The figure was... "Shang Shang..." like a subconscious instinct, the little guy shouted.

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