Mei Beichen saw a little figure rummaging in the trash can in the yard. He flashed in his mind what uncle said to him not long ago, "by the way, did you send a poster to the little guy named Nannan before?"

"Why did Uncle ask that?" he asked instead.

"Suddenly, before Shanshan left yesterday, she said that she was careless and tore the poster while playing with the little guy." master Mei said that she was careless, but who knows if she was really careless?

But of course, master Mei doesn't care. In master Mei's opinion, the girl Shanshan is a little careful, but she really doesn't have any tricks. It is because it is the granddaughter recognized by Mrs. Li that master Mei is kind to Shanshan.

Without that relationship, I'm afraid Yao Shanshan can't really get into master Mei's eyes.

As for the sudden mention of this matter, master Mei is pure ridicule. "I can't see that at your age, it has attracted little girls to be jealous of you. Do you like Shanshan? If you like it, it won't be difficult to help their mother and daughter up in the future."

But Mei Beichen was not listening to what master Mei was saying. All his thoughts focused on what master Mei had said before.

The poster... It was not torn by the little guy, but Yao Shanshan! So he misunderstood?

Mei Beichen absentmindedly walked out of the main house. Not far away, she saw the little figure turning over the trash can in the courtyard.

Because she was turning the trash can, her body was stained with garbage debris. It looked dirty and embarrassed.

But the little guy seemed completely unaffected and was still searching stubbornly.

When Mei Beichen approached, she finally understood what the little guy was looking for. There were many pieces of posters beside her, all of which she found in the trash can.

Every time a fragment is pulled out of the bucket, she will carefully put it aside, as if it were her baby.

For a moment, his heart seemed to be smashed by something, heavy, with a sense of pain, which made him feel out of breath.

How could he misunderstand her? When he sent her the poster that day, Mingming was so happy that he regarded it as a treasure.

Just because she's a fool? So he easily concluded that she tore up the poster? Easily think that her rare kindness is trampled on by her at will?

Although she is silly, on the other hand, she is also so pure. Like is like, happy is happy. People don't need to guard against anything.

May Beichen approached as like as two peas. He squatted down and said, "don't look for it again, my daughter. I'll get you another poster just like that.

When the little guy saw him, his little body was suddenly surprised, and then hurriedly said, "Nannan will find it. Nannan will find it! The young master sent her Shangshang. Nannan is very precious, very precious..."

Mei Beichen only felt bad for a while.

The little guy said, but he showed a sad look, "what Nannan wants to protect... But she was torn by the little girl, Nannan can't help... Nannan wants to find the pieces, and her mother said she can put them back."

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