"See Shangshang! Giggle, Nannan is so happy!" the little guy shouted excitedly, climbed onto the desk, took the initiative to get close to Mei Beichen's cheek and kissed her hard.

Mei Beichen suddenly felt that her kissed cheek was burning for a while. It seemed that even her heart was slightly burning


In a room, more than ten screens display surveillance videos of the shopping mall, and some people, including Shang QingHan, are all viewing these surveillance videos.

Shang QingHan has shown Yan Yan's photos to those who view the surveillance video and asked them to report immediately once they found the little girl in the video.

As a result, I searched the video for several hours and still found nothing.

Zhan Wei said to Shang QingHan, "QingHan, I think you're really wrong. You've been looking for it for so long, but you still haven't found it."

Shang QingHan rubbed his forehead. He himself has been watching these surveillance videos. He really didn't find anything. But are you wrong?

No, his heart is still confirming that he will not be wrong. At least for so many years, he has never missed Yan's back, nor has he mistaken other children for her.

"No, keep looking. Since she has appeared in this mall, she can find it!" Shang QingHan is very sure, and still insists on his own opinion.

Zhan Wei sighed. As an agent, he was very clear about Shang QingHan's stubbornness. Now it seems that we can only continue to spend time watching the video screen. Maybe we really have to watch it for a few days. We are really sure we haven't found it, so that QingHan can die.

Just as Zhan Wei thought, suddenly, a staff member looking at the video shouted, "found it!"

Shang QingHan suddenly inspired, "found?!" then suddenly stood up and looked at the screen of the talking staff, and Zhan Wei hurriedly followed up.

As soon as the staff saw the power, they had to change their words, "probably... Er, I found it, but the picture is not too clear."

After all, it's just a monitoring picture. It's a little far away. How can it be so clear? Can only roughly identify the little girl's clothes, hair style, age, and being held by a middle-aged woman. As for the little girl's face, it is actually very vague.

But as soon as Shang QingHan approached the screen, he was absolutely sure... "It's Yan Yan! It's really Yan Yan!" he could not be wrong. Even if his face was fuzzy, the outline of his face, the vague feeling of eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips could make him sure that it was Yan Yan.

"Continue to check, according to this time point, find out all of them in all relevant videos." Shang QingHan said while dialing Jun Jisheng's mobile phone, "I have Yan Yan's whereabouts. At present, it should be certain that Yan Yan is in F City, but it's not sure where he is. It takes time to check and monitor."

Jun Jisheng on the other end of the mobile phone was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he said, "I also have Yan Yan's news here. Now I'm going to find out and confirm it. In that case, let's carry out it on both sides at the same time. I'll say hello to the police station in F City and let them cooperate with me."

"OK." Shang QingHan replied. With the full help of the F City police, it should be faster to find Yan Yan, "where's Si Tong? How's she now?"

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