Although it is also a famous brand, the price is not too high. In other words, the other party's wealth is naturally far less than that of the Mei family.

The person in charge was thinking about it. He saw that Mei Beichen suddenly kicked one of the teenagers to the ground. Then, before anyone else reacted, he kicked the other two teenagers to the ground. Three teenagers were kicked to the ground. For a moment, they couldn't get up. It can be seen how heavy Mei Beichen's kick was.

The big dog looked at it and rushed towards Mei Beichen, but Mei Beichen stared at the big dog tightly. The big dog didn't swallow, and his body became shorter. Anyone can tell that the big dog seems to be expressing his submission.

At this moment, the people around him were amazed.

Mei Beichen raised his eyes and looked at the middle-aged woman. "I think these three people are very good. If you want to blackmail money, please take the hospital certificate!" at this moment, the fierce momentum on his body was like a sharp sword, as if he was going to crush people.

"You... You... You..." the middle-aged woman trembled with anger, but was frightened by the cold in Mei Beichen's eyes.

Fortunately, the man next to the woman immediately took out his mobile phone and called the police.

After a while, the police came and directly took all the relevant people to the police station. Mei Beichen didn't worry much about entering the police station. The only thing he regretted was that he let the little guy see his fight just now.

The little guy was still pale at the moment. He stayed motionless in Mei Beichen's arms, as if he was frightened, and even tired on his thick black eyelashes.

Mei Beichen couldn't help holding the little guy closer.

The person in charge who stayed at the hotel was worried. Why did this happen to him? Although it had nothing to do with him, it was always bad to get involved.

Just then, the person in charge's eyes suddenly lit up and saw Shang QingHan enter the hotel, while Zhan Wei followed him.

So he hurried forward and said, "Hey, you're back at last. You don't know. The young master of the Mei family came to see you just now. If you weren't there, something happened..."

The person in charge told monk QingHan what had happened just now. Shang QingHan's expression was light and didn't take it seriously. After all, this kind of thing doesn't matter to him. Now the most important thing for him is to find out Yan Yan's whereabouts.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my room first." Shang QingHan said, raising his feet and walking in the direction of the elevator.

Just then, suddenly, a child's immature scream came from someone's mobile phone nearby. Shang QingHan's footsteps suddenly gave a meal. This scream... This sound is... It's Yan Yan's voice!

Shang QingHan suddenly rushed forward and grabbed the other party's mobile phone.

Fang Zheng is about to lose his temper. At first, Shang QingHan is stunned, but Shang QingHan is staring at the mobile phone and watching the video on the mobile phone screen.

At this moment, the man around Shang QingHan explained, "ah, this was just photographed. Just now, the boy beat all three people older than him. His skill is so powerful."

But Shang QingHan's attention only focused on the little girl standing aside. It was... Yan Yan, the Yan Yan he tried to find. It turned out that the little girl in charge of the population who was brought by the young master of the Mei family and liked him was Yan Yan!

————It was expected that three chapters could be written about seeing Yan Yan. As a result, four chapters were written. The chapter of tomorrow morning was moved to this evening. It will be 2 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the evening. Because I have to go to the hospital on Tuesday, it is estimated that a day will be wasted. Therefore, the manuscript of Tuesday will be saved today and tomorrow. Recently, due to physical reasons, I can't add more to you. I'm sorry. I hope everything goes well in the hospital on Tuesday. I hope

Thank you for your support and giving me great comfort and strength.

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