Although Shang QingHan's tone was euphemistic, the attitude revealed in his look showed that we had to go to the plum house together.

Mei Beichen pursed his lips and knew that he could not refuse Shang QingHan. Moreover, he also wanted to find out what the little guy's life experience was.

The elder of the three teenagers who were frightened by dogs brought back by the police at the moment, the middle-aged woman said impatiently, "Hey, when will I deal with my business? This man hurt my three children. We can't just forget it. Even if there are big stars who recognize their relatives, the police station can't bend the law for personal gain."

Shang QingHan seemed to notice a fat middle-aged woman at this moment. He flashed cold in his eyes. He still remembered the video he saw before. The woman was scaring her face even though the three teenagers used dogs.

Mei Beichen really wanted to say something. Shang QingHan gently pressed each other's shoulder and said, "let me handle the things here."

"No, I can let Mei's lawyer deal with it." Mei Beichen said. After that, he had to take out his mobile phone and call Mei's lawyer. After all, he originally planned to do the same.

Shang QingHan said, "I'm really sorry. I can't wait so long. It'll be faster to let my agent deal with it directly. I'll bail you out. Then, I want to go to your house to see the servant quickly."

Because only by seeing the servant as soon as possible can we know more clearly what happened to Yan Yan, and now... He can't wait!


Mei Beichen finally compromised and agreed to let Shang QingHan bail him and help him pay the bail in advance. However, Mei Beichen still called the lawyer and asked the lawyer to deal with the follow-up matters.

Zhan Wei, Shang QingHan's agent, also stayed at the police station, waiting for Mei Beichen's lawyer to come. As for the middle-aged woman who was still shouting just now, when she was stared at by Shang QingHan, her heart had begun to get angry, and she was even more surprised when she heard Mei Beichen's identity.

Mei family is not only famous in F City, but also a kind of rich family in the country. Naturally, this middle-aged woman has heard of it.

In other words, she offended the Mei family?! At the thought of this, she was sweating and hurriedly told the police that she would not sue, was willing to mediate, and even offered to lose money to the Mei family.

But at this moment, monk Mei Beichen QingHan can't pay attention to this man.

Shang QingHan naturally picked up the little guy and walked out of the police station. Mei Beichen slightly sipped her lip flap, slightly tightened her hand on her side, and then raised her step to follow up.

Usually, when facing some adults, he doesn't feel that the other person is an adult, but he is still young and still a minor.

But somehow, facing Shang QingHan this time, he felt like an adult to a child. The gap formed by the relationship of age made him a little uncomfortable.

There is also the natural intimacy between Shang QingHan and Nannan, as if the little guy would have an instinctive trust in Shang QingHan. After getting on the bus, he also sat quietly in Shang QingHan's arms.

Mei Beichen only felt that there was a feeling between Shang QingHan and the little guy that he couldn't get in, and he didn't like this feeling very much.

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