At the moment, in the next room of the press conference, there is a large screen, which is directly playing the scene of the press conference. Han zixie sits on the sofa and looks at the screen.

He likes quiet. He never likes to touch this kind of press conference. However, the novel "the voice of the wind" is somewhat different for him, because the role of Xiao lichen in the novel is too much like him. So he watched today's press conference directly from the next room.

After hearing Qin Sitong's answer, a touch of thought flashed in his eyes.

In those years, if he was not in that village, he stayed in the village for the last summer vacation, and Yiyuan accompanied him to let him understand that even if he was blind, he also wanted to strive to control his own destiny and become strong. But who knows, at the beginning, he felt that his life was meaningless.

For so many years, no one has broken this point, but today it is said by the woman who once met in the conference room. It's really surprising.


After the press conference, there was a dinner party, but it was said to be dinner, but not many people were really eating. Most of the reporters were asking questions around some important people in the crew.

The banquet was a buffet. After Qin Sitong ate some, he slipped out and planned to get some air outside. Today, the place where Chenxing chose the press conference was a famous restaurant in J city. Chenxing also made a big deal and wrapped up all the restaurants on the third floor.

Behind the restaurant, there is a small garden with deep winding paths, which is inversely proportional to the excitement in the restaurant. Qin Sitong walked and unknowingly went to the deep part of the garden. He only saw a tall figure. At the moment, he was sitting on a stone stool and closed his eyes. That clear, meaningful and elegant face was the man with painful eyes she met in the Chenxing conference room last time.

As if he heard her approaching footsteps, his eyes suddenly opened. The light in his eyes gave Qin Sitong a sharp feeling for a moment.

"Is it you?" han zi analyzed and obviously recognized Qin Sitong.

"Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you." Qin Sitong took a shortcut.

"Nothing, this is not my place," he said, and the sharp light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Are your eyes better?" she asked. She couldn't help falling on his eyes. I don't know why. Looking at his eyes always reminded her of the boy she had met in the village.

When she first saw the young brother in the village, she marveled that the other party had such beautiful eyes, but what she regretted was that she couldn't see anything. At that time, she liked to draw his eyes with a brush. She always wanted to draw such beautiful eyes.

But every time I painted, I was not satisfied. I always felt that I didn't draw that beautiful feeling.

"Better," he said.

"That's good. If your eyes are uncomfortable sometimes, you can apply it with a hot towel, but you'd better see a doctor in time according to your last appearance," she reminded.

"My eyes are old." for him, the pain is nothing. It's enough to see the light and the person he wants to see. "You seem to like looking into my eyes." he suddenly said.

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