At this sight, Yao Yiyuan was immediately shocked. She only felt that her whole body was becoming stiff and her palms were sweating.

It's Qin Sitong. Unexpectedly, the person who picked up the ring was Qin Sitong! I didn't expect that she and Qin Sitong would meet on such an occasion.

Since she knew that Qin Sitong was temporarily staying at Mei's house, these days, she also beat around Qin Sitong's developments from others, hoping that the other party could leave F City early. In this way, she could have some snacks. But I didn't expect that people are not as good as heaven.

Almost subconsciously, Yao Yiyuan instinctively wanted to close the door and avoid Qin Sixi's eyes, but the next moment, she calmed herself down.

She has already had her face straightened, and her appearance is different from that in the past. Even if she really faces Qin Sitong like this, Qin Sitong may not be able to recognize her.

"Hello, I'm Yao Xiya. Thank you for picking up my mother's ring." Yao Yiyuan deliberately smiled and said to Qin Sitong.

Qin Si Tong narrowed his eyes slightly. He always felt that the other party's face seemed to change greatly at the moment he saw her, but it seemed that he recovered his composure after a while.

At this moment, the other party's smile seems to be somewhat deliberate. It's like the other party is taboo.

What is taboo about her?

"Nothing." Qin Sitong said and handed the white jade ring he had picked up to the other party.

Yao Yiyuan took the ring. "If there's nothing else, I'll go first. My mother always wants me to be by her side, so she can feel at ease." then, without waiting for anyone's answer, she returned to the room and closed the door of the room.

The security guard on one side couldn't help muttering, "why? When someone picked up such a valuable ring, he said thank you?"

"Who makes people a golden lady? Maybe this ring is valuable to us and just a gadget to others." another security guard said.

As for Qin Sitong, he didn't want to get any feedback when he returned his things, but the other party's attitude was more or less cold, and even... There was a hint of deliberate avoidance.

It's like I don't want to touch her.

Qin Si Tong couldn't help touching his cheek. Is she annoying?

On the way back to his father's ward, Qin Sitong received a call from Jun Jisheng, "still here in the hospital?" because Jun Jisheng had some work things to deal with, so he left first after sending Qin Sitong to the hospital.

"Yes." Qin Si Tong said.

"Then I'll pick you up at the hospital now." Jun Jisheng said, "how's dad?"

"It's OK, the spirit is very good." Qin Sitong said.

At the moment, in the psychological consulting room, Mrs. Li was holding the white jade ring and rubbing her fingers carefully. She couldn't tell why. When she saw the ring, she wanted to buy it.

It's like this ring is some kind of sustenance for her, but why is it sustenance? She doesn't understand.

Others say she is crazy. She also knows that she has problems in her state, forgets a lot of things, and often has a blank time period of memory. Others tell her that her blank memory is due to the onset of madness in this blank time period.

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