Qin Sitong leads her daughter, leaves the kindergarten with Jun Jisheng, and returns to the car. Just in the car, all she thinks about is what happened just now. Although Yao Xiya didn't say anything when she finally left, it was enough to make Qin Sitong sure that the other party was Yao Yiyuan.

"When did you know Yao Xiya belonged to Yao Yiyuan?" Qin Sitong asked, as if he thought of something. "Was it the phone call just now?"

"Well," replied Jun Jisheng, "it's Zi mu. I asked him to check about Yao Xiya before."

"But... How could you think of checking her?" she said strangely.

"I went to the hospital to pick you up that day. After you mentioned her, I asked Zimu to check it." Jun Jisheng said.

Qin Sitong was surprised. She didn't expect to start checking at that time. For her, even if she thought Yao Xiya was strange, she would never think of going to investigate a person who had just met, but he

As if he saw what she was thinking at the moment, Jun Jisheng said low, "I won't let the danger be around you, even if it's only one in ten thousand. Since I had some questions about this person at that time, it's necessary to find out."

Then, Jun Jisheng told Qin Sitong about the things investigated by Yu Zimu. After listening to this, Qin Sitong was a little surprised. "It's really strange. I know there is no blood relationship, but the Li family still let Yao Yiyuan become the miss of the Li family? It seems that Mrs. Li really likes Yao Yiyuan."

"Who knows, Zimu investigated and said that Mrs. Li had been ill for a long time. Maybe it was a coincidence, or she played some means to let Mrs. Li recognize her as a daughter." Jun Jisheng said.

After all, it would be easier to win the favor of a patient, but Jun Jisheng is not interested in how Yao Yiyuan became Miss Li's family.

"By the way, it seems that Mrs. Li and master Mei have a lot of relationship, and they have known each other for decades." Jun Jisheng said again. Naturally, this is what Yu Zimu reported to him on the phone just now.

Qin Si Tong was stunned and suddenly felt that the world was quite small. In fact, master Mei also knows Yao Yiyuan.

However, since Yao Yiyuan's daughter is also in this kindergarten, then... Qin Sitong looks down at the stunned daughter in his arms. Although she is only a child, she still tells the teacher to help look after her daughter to avoid anything.


After Yao Yiyuan returned to Li's house, she asked the servant, "where's madam? Where is it?" at this moment, she always felt that she had to see Mrs. Li to make her feel at ease.

"Madam has gone to the hospital," said the servant.

"The hospital?" Yao Yiyuan was stunned. "Haven't you been there a few days ago?"

"Madam seemed to have a nightmare. She said she was feeling a little uncomfortable, so she went to the hospital again." the servant replied.

Yao Yiyuan's face was slightly heavy. Mrs. Li didn't call her and went to the hospital by herself. Over the years, she has been trying to make Mrs. Li dependent on her. She wants to make Mrs. Li inseparable from her and make her more important, so that she can have the opportunity to control the Li family more justifiably in the future.

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