"Dad, don't get excited. Did you really see it? Or did you see an illusion, or did you just see someone similar to your mother when she was young?" Qin Sitong comforted his father, and then asked in detail.

Did you recognize the wrong person? Qin Kaifeng was stunned and then took a deep breath. The picture of yesterday's scene flashed in his mind again. Although it was only a side, what he saw was not Yuanyuan in his youth, but Yuanyuan slowly aging with him, and his heartbeat and feeling at that time... How could he admit his mistake?

Over the years, in the process of looking for Yuanyuan, he has not seen a woman who looks like Yuanyuan, but he has never had such a feeling.

"I won't admit my mistake!" Qin Kaifeng affirmed, "your mother... I won't admit my mistake in death. The person I saw yesterday must be her. She has been to this hospital!"

"If mom has really appeared, but there is no way to determine whether she is a patient or an escort." Qin Si Tong said thoughtfully, "if it is a patient, you can say hello to the hospital and check the name. If it is an escort, you can't find it, and you're not sure whether mom has changed her name over the years."

"I'll say hello to the hospital and check the list of patients who visited the hospital yesterday. It's always a clue." Jun Jisheng said, "and, Dad, if you just let you see the monitoring screen, are you sure you can recognize your mother?"

Before Qin Kaifeng answered, Qin Sitong said, "but Jisheng, didn't you say before that there was no monitoring probe on the road in front of dad fainting, and the monitoring in the parking lot in front was just good or bad."

"But there are other monitoring in the hospital. If mom really appears in the hospital, she can always find traces to follow in the monitoring on that day." Jun Jisheng said, but it's a lot of trouble relative to the process, and I'm afraid it's only for the father-in-law to do it himself.

"Yes!" Qin Kaifeng nodded excitedly, as if he saw a glimmer of light. For so many years, as long as there is a slightest hope that he can find Yuanyuan, he will firmly grasp it.


At the moment, in master Mei's house in Mei's house, master Mei is holding his mobile phone and saying to the other end of the phone, "have you replaced all of them? Don't reveal the flaws. In addition, the monitoring probe in the parking lot has been handled well. In addition, all the pictures that shouldn't exist have been washed, and there is no need to keep any backup."

"Yes, yes, everything is done according to your instructions, and nothing will be missed." the man on the other end of the phone said respectfully.

When the call was over, master Mei put down his mobile phone and looked at the picture frame he put aside. In the picture frame, there were photos of Mrs. Li when she was young.

"Yuanyuan, will you blame me?" master Mei murmured softly, "or do you not want to see that man? That's why you missed him yesterday?"

But the person in the picture just looked at the distance and didn't answer him.

Master Mei leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes faintly. The scenes of the past came to mind. It's a pity that he didn't meet her earlier that year.

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