Li family? Jun Jisheng narrowed his Feng eyes. Yao Yiyuan was also in the Li family. Before, he asked Zimu to investigate Yao Yiyuan, but he never had a deep investigation into the Li family.

Can Han Zixi's last "badge" be related to the Li family? In addition, Han zixie asked Si Tong about the badge at the beginning, saying that he wanted to determine some things... And Han zixie came to F City this time and went directly to Li's house. Is it also related to the things to be determined?

It seems that the Li family needs to investigate again.

When he came out of the police station, Jun Jisheng called Yu Zimu again and asked Yu Zimu to investigate whether the Li family had business with the Han family and whether the Li family had anything related to the "badge".

After ending the call, Jun Jisheng asked the driver to drive to Qin Kaifeng's hospital. During this period of time, many things are like stacking, constantly overlapping.

These two days, Si Tong is also worried about Han zixie's things. He naturally knew that if Han Zixi found out that the accident was really related to Sitong's badge, he was afraid that Sitong would be more guilty.

When he arrived at the hospital, Jun Jisheng saw that Qin Kaifeng was still staring at the LCD screen in the ward and constantly looking at the pictures of those surveillance videos. However, Qin Kaifeng's mental state was much worse than that a few days ago.

This kind of inferiority seems to be a person full of expectations, gradually becoming desperate.

Jun Jisheng naturally knows the reason. Qin Kaifeng has seen all these surveillance videos, but he has not found the figure he wants to find.

Therefore, the invisible blow to Qin Kaifeng is naturally obvious.

Jun Jisheng entered the ward and said, "Dad, have a rest."

Qin Kaifeng shook his head and said, "I'll see again. Maybe I'll find it."

For Qin Kaifeng's persistence, Jun Jisheng also has nothing to say, because if he transposes thinking, if he and Sitong are separated, I'm afraid he will try his best to find the clues he can have.

Therefore, Jun Jisheng also helped Qin Kaifeng watch these videos together.

But looking at it, Jun Jisheng's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes were slightly heavy, as if thinking about something.

When the nurse came in and took Qin Kaifeng for examination, there was only Jun Jisheng left in the ward. Jun Jisheng quickly pressed his fingers on his laptop, opened a certain video file and watched it. A moment later, he opened several other video files, browsed quickly, and frowned more and more tightly, It was not until it seemed that something had been determined that Jun Jisheng closed the video and sat on the sofa, as if he were thinking about something.

When Qin Kaifeng returned to the ward, Jun Jisheng asked Qin Kaifeng to have a good rest and said about Han Zi's car accident. These two days, Si Tong visited Han zixie. He was afraid that Si Tong was too tired, so he didn't let Si Tong come.

"I know. Let Si Tong have a good rest and come back when she's free in two days." Qin Kaifeng said.

"OK." Jun Jisheng smiled.

When he walked out of Qin Kaifeng's ward, the smile on Jun Jisheng's lips stopped. Until today, he found that the videos given to him by the hospital had been tampered with and were wrong at all. Or except for the video in the area where Qin Kaifeng fainted, it was the same day, while other surveillance videos were not the same day at all.

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