Han Lin closed his eyes and felt a pair of hands wiping shampoo on his hair. Those hands were gently rubbing, completely different from Mommy's hands.

At least in his memory, Mommy never washed him like this.

And he seems to like it very much.

When Qin Sitong led Han Lin out of the bathroom after taking a bath, Han Lin's little face was red. Jun Leyan came up to Han Lin again. His nose was close to Han Lin, smelling like a dog for a while, and then shouted, "fragrant, as fragrant as a girl!"

Suddenly, Han Lin's little face became more red, but he didn't push away junle Yan, but let her gather around him.

Qin Sitong smiled and blew his hair for the two children. When Jun Jisheng returned to the room, she gave her daughter to Jun Jisheng first, then took Han Lin back to the bedroom prepared for him and coaxed him to sleep first.

Coaxing Han Lin to sleep is not as difficult as coaxing his daughter. Even Qin Sitong doesn't need to tell a bedtime story. As long as he tells him to sleep, he automatically climbs into bed, closes his eyes and looks ready to sleep.

Such a child can be said to be really easy to take, but inexplicably, it also makes Qin Sitong feel sad. Han Lin's unique character, reticent, even not gregarious, will not act like other children, all related to his experience.

A child lost his mother at such a young age and stayed in the welfare home for some time. I'm afraid it will take a long time to make up for the psychological trauma.

Qin Sitong stayed by the bed for a while and looked at Han Lin as if he was really asleep. Then he got up, turned off the light and gently withdrew from the room.

I thought the night had passed like this. Unexpectedly, at more than 11 p.m., Qin Sitong wanted to go to Han Lin's room before going to bed to see if the child had kicked the quilt. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the little body curled up against the door of her bedroom.

Qin Si Tong was startled. "Xiao Lin, aren't you asleep? Why are you at the door of the room? Are you hungry? Or what? Why don't you knock?" she asked, but Han Lin just looked at her with her beautiful eyes open, but didn't say anything.

Qin Si Tong thought for a while and guessed, "don't you want to sleep alone?"

He still looked at her and didn't answer, but his fan like eyelashes seemed nervous and trembled a few times.

Seeing this, even if he didn't speak, Qin Sitong understood that children don't want to sleep in a room alone.

So she smiled, "then come in and sleep with your daughter?" although she also reserved a separate room for her daughter, there was still a little guy's small bed in their room.

The small bed is a little small if you want to sleep an adult and a child, but it's enough if you want to sleep two children.

Han Lin's eyes seemed to flash a light. Qin Sitong led Han Lin into the room and placed him on his daughter's small bed.

At this moment, her daughter had fallen asleep. Han Lin seemed to have noticed this. Her actions were particularly light and careful. It seemed that she was deeply afraid of waking each other.

After lying down, Han Lin's small face seemed to flash a trace of hesitation, and then gently stretched out his hand and pasted the hand of junle Yan on his cheek.

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