Qi Bin is waiting to say something. Yuan Mengtian has come forward and hooked Qi Bin's arm and said, "bin, don't pay attention to such a person. If she is kind, she will be a donkey's liver and lung, what kind of cause and result she will get. Since she can do such a thing, she should know that she will be found one day."

Qin Si Tong smiled, "it's really beautiful. Yuan Mengtian, it's just right for you! What kind of cause you plant and what kind of fruit you get!"

Yuan Meng was so angry that his teeth itched, but he thought there were so many students around him that it was inconvenient to attack, so he simply took Qi Bin to the other side.

Kong Chengcheng came forward and said, "Si Tong, have you thought about what to say to the leader for a while?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Qin Sitong said truthfully.

"Hey? Well... What should I do later? I heard them say that if your answer doesn't satisfy the school, the school will expel you!" Kong Chengcheng was really worried about her good friend. Now her face turned white.

Qin Si Tong quickly patted his friend on the shoulder, "don't worry, others don't want to rely on me for what I haven't done."

Seeing that there was no fear on his friend's face, Kong Chengcheng was relieved at last.

Qin Sitong caught a glimpse of CAI Jingming chatting with several other students in the class. Those students were the people who threw stones at her in wechat yesterday. Qin Sitong was blocked in his heart, and Kong Chengcheng comforted, "Sitong, Jingming, she just misunderstood you for a moment, she is not..."

"I know. People also depend on fate. Maybe that's the fate between me and her." Qin Sitong took a deep breath, opened the door of the conference room and walked into the conference room.

In the conference room, many leaders of the school have all been present. Qin Sitong really didn't expect that her affair had shocked so many leaders.

"Qin Sitong, you should already know what's calling you today. These photos are the photos posted on the bulletin board yesterday, and this anonymous letter. It says that you have been interning outside and often picked up by luxury cars, and you have also moved away from the school dormitory and lived outside alone. Even your mother doesn't know your residence. Tell me about your time Time, where do you live? Do you live alone or with others? If you live with others, what is the person's name, what does he do, and what does it have to do with you? "

A series of problems are more careful than Qin Sitong's notes in the police station. Qin Sitong is thinking whether to report the address of Jun's residence, but once he reports the address of Jun's residence, it will drag Jun Jisheng into the water again. What exactly is the evidence prepared by Jun Jisheng? She should have gone to him again and asked him to find out before she came out today.

When Qin Sitong was hesitating, suddenly the door of the conference room was pushed open again. It was he Xiuxia, Qin Sitong's mother, who came in!

As soon as he Xiuxia came in, she said to Qin Sitong, "you dead girl, you have lost all our Qin family for money. Go to be a helper and pay a younger sister. Let me explain to your dead father in the future!"

He Xiuxia waved at Qin Sitong as she spoke.

Qin Si Tong leaned over and avoided his mother's hand. "Mom, I haven't done anything sorry for the Qin family."

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