With Mrs. Li's voice falling, the white jade ring in her hand also fell.

"No!" Qin Kaifeng almost subconsciously wanted to catch the ring, but his action was still slow. The ring fell on the cold marble ground and immediately broke into two sections.

Qin Kaifeng trembled and picked up the broken ring. Yuanyuan's move was to tell him that things had passed. No matter what, it was impossible to recover?

She forgives him, but she doesn't love or hate him

"This ring is meaningless to me." Mrs. Li whispered softly. Her voice penetrated Qin Kaifeng's eardrum, but it made him so painful.

Qin Kaifeng's fingers slowly closed and pressed the broken ring into his palm.

"Really... Is it meaningless?" he murmured, tears still filling his eyes. The broken edges and corners of the jade hurt his palm, but strangely, he didn't feel any pain at all.

"Yes." Mrs. Li replied, "I just want to cherish the next days and don't want to be entangled in the rights and wrongs of the past. In this world, some things can be completed, but some things are doomed to be completed. Why do I have to insist? I'm old and you're old. Now I just want to live in peace and quiet."

Qin Kaifeng slowly stood upright and stared at the person in front of him. After so many years, she was still beautiful. Even with white hair and wrinkles, she still made him quiet and elegant. If he could, he wished he could stay with her and go through the last time of his life.

But... Life is more than just thinking, it can be realized.

"OK, I know." Qin Kaifeng heard his voice say, "I... Respect your decision. I won't appear at the door of Li's house like this in the future, nor will I harass you. I'll talk to Si Tong and won't embarrass her."

Respecting her and giving her what she wants now is the only thing he can do now.

Mrs. Li was surprised. She thought she would say more, but unexpectedly, he agreed.

"That would be better," said Mrs. Li.

Qin Kaifeng turned around and left step by step. When he was about to leave the living room, his footsteps suddenly said, "Yuanyuan, thank you... Once loved me."

Once he had such happiness and let him understand the happiness of love and being loved. He didn't do well, he missed this love, and even made Yuanyuan crazy for 30 years. Now, Yuanyuan's willingness to forgive him is actually a great gift.

Qin Kaifeng walked out of Li's house and looked down at his palm. In his palm, the broken white jade ring stained with blood radiated a radiant light in the sun, giving people a broken beauty.

Until now, Qin Kaifeng allowed his tears to fall, drop by drop on the white jade ring and melt into the blood


Qin Sitong took Han Lin and his daughter to the hospital the next day to see Han Zixi. When Han Lin saw Han Zixi, his eyes suddenly turned red, then suddenly ran to the bedside and rushed into Han Zixi's arms.

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