Therefore, Kong Chengcheng always actively wants to have a second child and have another child. But for Yu Guheng, one child is enough. Having another child means that she has to suffer like that again. How can he give up.

"Giving birth to a child is a matter of stepping into hell for women. Even though medicine is now more developed, it is still not an easy thing. At that time, I watched Chengcheng painful giving birth to a child for 5 or 6 hours. Before Chengcheng collapsed, I almost collapsed first. I really want to beat the child in my stomach. Why didn't I come out, Let his mother suffer so much. "Of course, later, Yu Weifeng was beaten by his father.

Who let his mother suffer so much when he was in her womb.

After this call, Jun Jisheng only felt his heart twisted by something. Although he knows more or less how childbirth is going on, and knows that women have pains and contractions when they have children, he just knows. He has never seen the scenes of childbirth in movies and TV dramas, but he has never had any feelings.

And until now, he suddenly had a fear.

Before Sitong gave birth to Yan Yan, he didn't accompany her, didn't experience everything, and didn't know how difficult she was.

Just like this time, she had severe edema, and he was extremely worried, but she said casually that the same was true last time, so he didn't have to worry. Anyway, he just survived these two months.

And her body is more and more inconvenient to move. Sometimes she will get asthma if she walks on more roads. Moreover, for the sake of the fetus, she has always insisted on sleeping on her left side at night. Her shoulder, crotch and legs hurt, but she still smiles that these are small things.

This time she was pregnant, he would massage her. Many things were done by servants. She didn't need to work. She just had to rest at home.

What about the last time? When she was alone, she was pregnant, had to endure all kinds of physical discomfort, and had to work hard for life. How hard was she at that time?

He could hardly imagine it.

And when she gave birth to Yan Yan, although he was not with her at that time, he heard Shang QingHan say that she gave birth to Yan Yan at the risk of dying.

This time she was pregnant, he only had enough joy, but he forgot to think about how much danger it was to her.

When Jun Jisheng walked into the bedroom, he looked at Qin Sitong writing in front of the desk on one side. He knew that she was writing a diary again. She would record everything about her baby during her pregnancy. She said that when the baby was old, she could look at the diary with the baby as a souvenir.

"Have you finished talking on the phone? What did you talk about with brother Yu?" Qin Sitong asked with a smile when he heard the sound of pushing the door in.

He approached her, bent down and put her in his arms. His face was buried deep in her shoulder and his breathing was heavy.

"What's the matter?" she couldn't help wondering.

"I'm sorry to make you suffer." he whispered, "maybe... You shouldn't have conceived this child at all. At the beginning, you had suffered so much to give birth to Yan Yan, and now..."

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