Jun Jisheng glanced coldly at the head of the Department in front of him, "no, I'm here today for this."

At this point, everyone was surprised. How did Qin Sixi's affair involve Jun Jisheng?

Only he Xiuxia looked at the sudden appearance of Jun Jisheng with a shocked face. Her face was very ugly. Of course, she can recognize that this man is the man who dragged her daughter to the police station a few days ago. As a result, she blocked the slap for her daughter and let her down.

At that time, she also scolded her daughter for hooking a wild man.

But who knows, this wild man is the president!

President, what kind of existence is that? At least he Xiuxia hasn't really seen a president close up so far.

I saw Jun Jisheng turn his head and his eyes fell on Qin Sitong standing in front of the conference table. Then he raised a shallow smile on his lips and walked slowly towards each other.

Step by step, at this moment, Qin Sitong seemed to feel that the sounds around him were gradually away, and her eyes seemed to have only his existence.

She thought he would send someone to come with the evidence, or he would call directly to talk to someone, but she didn't think he would show up here in person.

At the moment, he came towards her, as if he was close, not only the distance in reality, but also a distance she couldn't say.

When he came to her, he raised his hand and stroked the hair on her cheek. "Well, I'm coming. Everything has me."

Her eyes were suddenly wet, and everything had me - these four simple words, but she didn't have to arm herself like an armed man to defend against the hail of bullets outside.

I don't know when the surrounding voices have begun to become quiet.

At the moment, anyone can see that the relationship between Jun Jisheng and Qin Sitong is not general.

"Mr. President, are you..." the dean of the Department came forward and asked carefully.

"I heard from my girlfriend that these days, I asked my husband's driver to pick up my girlfriend in a private car. Instead, my girlfriend was slandered. The school also asked my girlfriend to drop out of school, so I want to ask what the reason is." Jun Jisheng smiled, but let the Dean run through his body, I just feel that my back is dripping with cold sweat.

"This... Qin Sitong is your girlfriend?" the Dean intuitively said his voice was out of tune.

Those around who heard this were all stunned. Even if this was said by Jun Jisheng himself, it felt like a arabian night.

After all, it was as incredible as someone personally announced that Qin Sitong had suddenly won tens of billions of lottery tickets.

"Impossible!" yuan Mengtian's sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Jun Jisheng's Feng eyes were slightly raised and looked at yuan Mengtian, "when will someone else decide whether it's possible for me and my girlfriend?"

Yuan Mengtian's face turned white. Of course, Jun Jisheng knew. All kinds of rumors about this man passed through her mind at the moment, but such an excellent man... How can she fall in love with Qin Sicong?!

Biting his teeth, Yuan Meng was afraid of his sweetheart, but he still said, "I'm just worried that you were cheated by Qin Sitong. She's not as pure as you saw. In high school, she secretly fell in love with my boyfriend and wanted to attract him, but she didn't succeed. A woman like this doesn't deserve you at all."

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