At the moment of seeing junle Yan, Mei Beichen suddenly found that his heartbeat seemed to be getting faster again. It was rare that an uneasy feeling filled his body.

"Nan Nan!" Mei Beichen said aloud, stepped forward a few steps and came to Han Lin and junle Yan.

Junle Yan almost subconsciously hid behind Han Lin. most of his body hid behind Han Lin, his small head was low, and his eyes deliberately avoided his eyes.

Mei Beichen has some bad taste. This is the first time that she avoids him like this. Before, every time she saw him, she would always shout for brother Beichen happily, and then jump into his arms.

"Nan Nan, I have something to say to you. Can you listen to me?" Mei Beichen said.

But the little head shook hard. The little guy also pulled Han Lin's arm and said, "Lin Lin, shall we go to the school gate..." in her cognition, as long as we get to the school gate, we can see Mommy coming to pick her up. It's all right.

"OK." Han Lin took junleyan's small hand and wanted to take junleyan to the school gate.

"Nan Nan!" Mei Beichen said again. She stepped forward with an arrow and grabbed Jun Leyan's other arm. "I'm wrong about the noon thing. I shouldn't have said those words! It's just because Wang Xingxing... Er, the man you called brother Wang has been bothering me all the time." he explained in a hurry, But I don't know if she can understand his explanation.

Jun Le Yan just lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Mei Beichen pursed her thin lips and felt the little arm in his hand trembling faintly.

"Sorry..." these three words came out of his mouth. He rarely said these three words to people, and rarely regretted what he had done and said. But now, this feeling of regret is so strong, "Nannan, what I said has never liked you. It's not true. I just don't want to follow Wang Xingxing's meaning, so I said that." originally, he wanted to say these words to her alone, but at present, he can't care about it.

At this moment, he lowered his head completely in front of her and sincerely apologized, "I also bought your favorite doll and your favorite cake. They were sent to your house. Will you forgive brother Beichen?"

The little arm he held trembled even more.

Suddenly, the little face egg lifted up and looked at him. To his surprise, the little face egg was full of tears at the moment. The Dark Phoenix eyes kept pouring out new tears.

"Liar... Brother Beichen is a liar! Because... Because Nannan is a fool? So... Brother Beichen doesn't like Nannan?" the little guy choked.

Fool... Fool... She's heard a lot of people say that about her. Mommy said it's because her head was hurt. When she gets better, she won't be stupid.

When others say she is a fool, she tries to be like mommy taught her, just don't care, so although she is a little sad sometimes, she is not sad.

But this time, it was Beichen's brother who said she was a fool. When she heard Beichen's brother say this, she suddenly felt very sad, even in her chest.

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