But today is destined to disappoint yuan Mengtian. Qi Bin looked at yuan Mengtian coldly. "If someone framed in the conference room, what I saw just now is not a misunderstanding. Mengtian, I didn't expect you to do such a thing!" after that, he ignored yuan Mengtian and left in his own car.

Yuan Meng stamped his feet, got into the car and drove away from the school quickly.

As soon as yuan Mengtian got home, Yuan's mother Ge Meijiao came forward and said, "Mengtian, what's the matter? Just now the dean of your school called and said that Qin Sitong's boyfriend was a president or something. He also said that the other party found out that you planted and framed Qin Sitong this time. The school will have a meeting to discuss what punishment to give you."

Yuan Mengtian quickly told her mother what had happened in the conference room, and Ge Meijiao was more and more frightened.

After yuan Mengtian finished, GE Meijiao also looked like a dish, "then... What should I do? Will the school let you drop out?"

If her daughter is really dropped out of school, she will lose face and lose her hair.

"I don't know." yuan Mengtian clenched her lip and said, because Qin Sitong was so cheap, she and Qi Bin still made it like this.

"When your father comes back that night, let's talk to your father. Your father must have a way." Ge Meijiao said.

But when Yuan Zhizhou came home and listened to what his wife and daughter said, his face was more than difficult to describe.

"You... You did such a thing behind my back. Do you really want to kill me?" Yuan Zhizhou scolded angrily. "What I told you before, I told you not to provoke Qin Sitong again. There is someone behind her. You really think my words are whispered!"

Moreover, unexpectedly, the person behind Qin Sitong was Jun Jisheng. If that person was Jun Jisheng, everything would make sense.

"What should I do now? I can't really wait for the school to drop out of Mengtian. Isn't Mengtian's future ruined?" Ge Meijiao said.

Yuan Zhizhou rubbed his forehead. "I'll think about it. At that time, I'll mention it to the mayor and ask the mayor to help say something."

"Yes, yes!" Ge Meijiao echoed. "You have a good relationship with the mayor on weekdays. The mayor must be willing to help say this."

Yuan Mengtian also breathed a sigh of relief. She just felt that since her father said so, it must be no problem. Now she just wants to think about how to repair her relationship with Qi Bin.


In the evening, after Qin Sitong and Jun Ji had dinner, Qin Sitong offered to take physical exercise. After all, when she was kidnapped, she couldn't resist at all, which made her feel too bad. If she had reacted quickly and acted quickly, it might be possible to get rid of each other's kidnapping.

Jun Jisheng agrees with Qin Sitong's idea and takes Qin Sitong to his training room in Jun residence.

Qin Sitong entered the room for the first time. He saw a lot of fitness equipment and a large piece of air, which can carry out combat training and so on.

"Do you usually train here?" she asked curiously.

"Occasionally, but most of the time, I will practice at the fitness club, where the venue is more spacious," he said.

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