"Well, have you seen this string of pearl bracelets? I think it's so beautiful. If I could have such a string of pearl bracelets, it would be so beautiful." Luo Qinyou pointed to a string of Pearl Bracelets placed in the glass display cabinet and longed for the tunnel.

Junleyan looked at the bracelet. The pearls on it were all very good. They were all sea beads and had a good sense of design. However, the price of things here would not be cheap. The price of such a string of pearl bracelets was 180000.

"You really like it?" junle Yan asked.

"Yes, I like pearls very much, but most of what I buy are cheap goods, not so high-grade. I don't know when I can afford such a bracelet, so I come here every time I go shopping. If I wear this bracelet all day, wow, I feel like a princess." Luo Qinyou said, While dreaming. Just thinking about such a day, I feel so beautiful.

As Luo Qinyou said this, he secretly said to Jun Leyan, "secretly tell you, once I asked the shop assistant to let me try it on. When I tried it on, my hands were shaking."

Everyone has preferences, and it is also the nature of many women to like jewelry.

"If you really like it so much, I'll buy it for you." junle Yan said. This 180000, for others, may be a large number, but for her, it's really not.

Luo Qinyou laughed. "Are you kidding me? Give it to me? It's 180000, not 18 yuan!"

"I know." junle Yan's expression was very serious.

"OK, OK, I'll take your heart. Even if you can afford it, don't give it to me." Luo Qinyou said.

"Why?" junle Yan was a little curious.

"What's your monthly salary? Even if your photographer earns more than I do as a nurse, you can earn 10000 or 20000 a month? But you also have to spend 180000 on living expenses. How long do you have to save? Even if you are willing to pay so much for our friendship, I won't be interested in wearing the bracelet you can afford because you save food and frugality for a long time!" Luo Qinyou said very naturally, "But if you give me a $180 bracelet or something, I'd be happy to accept it!"

Junle Yan couldn't help laughing. Maybe it's because of Qinyou's character that she can become friends with each other.

She thought that even if one day, Qin you really knew her family background, he would still get along with her like this.

Just thinking about it, junleyan suddenly heard Luoqin say, "eh, it's Professor Mei and Doctor Li!"

Junleyan almost subconsciously looked down his friend's eyes and saw only the familiar figure. At the moment, he was coming out of a VIP room, and Li Xinxue and people who thought they were wearing black suits and looked like store managers were talking to them.

It seemed that she noticed her eyes. Mei Beichen turned his head slightly and looked at her side.

In an instant, their eyes met in mid air, and at this moment, junle Yan suddenly felt cold all over.

His eyes were so cold that she felt like an ice cellar.

She didn't realize his coldness for the first time. When she broke up seven years ago, she experienced it on that rainy night, and she also experienced the reunion seven years later, but the coldness at the moment is different.

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