When a man like him is out of control because of a woman, even if it's just some, it means that the woman is still affecting him.

But on Jun Le Yan's side, she has an unspeakable strange feeling.

Will it really be like that luoqinyou nurse said, junleyan now... Has a boyfriend? Li Xinxue thought to herself.

"Nothing," said Mei Beichen. "If I don't want to come to this meal, even if you mention it, I won't come."

But this answer made Li Xinxue's heart Click. Does this mean that he actually wants to have this meal with junleyan?

On the other hand, in the bathroom, Luo Qinyou looked at his friend and said, "do you have a holiday with Professor Mei? Did you offend him last time the hospital took a promotional film?"

"No, you think too much." junle Yan said.

"Then why did the feeling he said just now seem to be aimed at you?" she didn't understand.

"Maybe that's what he said. After all, you also said that he was a little cold in the hospital and was not very close to people." junle Yan said.

"Yes," Luo Qinyou thought for a moment, and thought he might make a mountain out of a molehill, "But seriously, people in our hospital think Professor Mei and Dr. Li are very suitable. You know, how many female doctors and nurses have been rubbing their hands before Professor Mei came to our hospital! As a result, everyone has stopped cooking since Dr. Li. Dr. Li graduated from the same school as Professor Mei abroad and served as Professor Mei's assistant. In the hospital, Dr. Li is the only one To approach Professor Mei, and even help him say a few words when he scolds his subordinate doctors and nurses. "

Luo Qinyou and Jun Leyan talked about the gossip in the hospital. While listening, Jun Leyan only felt that his heart was gradually calm.

At first, she was special to him, but now, the special person has become another woman.

"I was just wondering if they were choosing wedding rings!" Luo Qinyou said again, "but even if they really want to get married, I wouldn't be surprised. It's hard to imagine who else could be as close to Professor Mei as Dr. Li."

Junleyan's face turned white and got married... Yes, one day, he will get married and completely belong to another woman, and she is just a passer-by in his life.

But why did she feel a pain in her chest when she thought of this? It was like being torn somewhere. The pain was so painful that she was at a loss.

"Le Yan, why does your face become so pale?" Luo Qinyou noticed the difference of his good friend and hurriedly asked, "is there something uncomfortable?"

"Nothing." she said, gasping heavily. One of her men consciously pressed the position of his heart. It was already past the pain of the full moon, but why did she feel so painful?

"Is your heart uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Luo Qinyou said again.

"Maybe it's too stuffy here. I want to go out and take a breath." junle Yan said, and tried to squeeze out a smile at his friend. I don't want his friend to worry too much.

"Then you wait for me outside the restaurant first. I'll say hello to Dr. Li and Professor Mei." Luo Qinyou said. After all, we have dinner together. If we want to leave, we have to say it and settle the account by the way.

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