Junleyan rarely put on light makeup, so that one morning, her colleague song Han stared at her.

"What's the matter?" this kind of look as if looking at the panda made junleyan unable to ignore it.

"How do you make up today? It's too rare." Song Han said, not that junle's face is not beautiful, but that she is also beautiful when she doesn't make up. It feels like a pure college student. When she wears light makeup, her purity is more charming and more exciting.

"Does it look good?" Jun Le Yan asked instead of answering.

"Good looking." Song Han said, isn't it obvious?

Junle's lips unconsciously raised a smile. For the sake of pleasing herself, she made up, naturally hoping that Mei Beichen could see her more beautiful side.

Song Han looked at junle Yan and suddenly turned her eyes. "You look so good. You're not going to show your boyfriend young master Han."

Junle Yan said, "I said, he's not my boyfriend."

"If it weren't for him, who else could there be?" Song Han couldn't help asking.

Junle Yan smiled and didn't answer again. Instead, he turned back to his computer desk, turned on the computer and began to edit the photos and documents of those jobs.

When she was editing, Mei Beichen's face flashed in her mind. Now it is only half a month away from the full moon. At that time, she can explain the blood curse and life to Beichen.

Will he believe her explanation? Will you doubt her love for him? But anyway, this time, she wanted him to know the truth.

Between them, because of her self righteous, she has wasted 7 years. Now, it's time to cherish the time together.

In the afternoon, junleyan's cell phone rang. She answered the phone. It was a call from the police station. "Miss Jun, is it? We're XX Branch. About the suspect of the last car accident, we hope you can come back to the bureau to identify someone."

"OK, I'll come as soon as possible." junle Yan said. After all, she also wanted to catch the real perpetrator earlier.

I asked for a leave with the studio. Brother Gu readily approved her leave and said, "try to catch the perpetrators early. Such people who don't plead guilty to driving are really animals!"

"I'll make a good identification!" junle Yan said.

Only when she came to the parking lot and was ready to drive by herself, she found that her tire had been damaged.

Junle Yan couldn't help narrowing his eyes. Could it be a coincidence? Or... She thought of the man who had threatened her at the hospital before.

It seems that the driver who caused the accident may have something to do with it.

Junleyan then planned to take a taxi directly to the police station, but when she waved for a taxi, someone stopped in front of her. Junleyan saw that it was the person she had seen in the hospital last time.

"Hello, Miss Jun, we meet again." the other party smiled.

Junle Yan looked at each other coldly. "It seems that your news is also very well informed." the man's appearance confirmed her previous speculation.

"That's certain." the other party said, "Miss Jun is going to the police station. I think Miss Jun is a smart man. If you promise not to talk disorderly at the police station, the money in this box is Miss Jun's yours."

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