"Miss Jun, are you really sure it's him?" the police looked dignified.

"Yes, I'm sure!" she nodded.

The police then led junleyan out of the room and asked junleyan to take notes. Just as she took notes and signed, she quickly walked into the police station. After seeing junleyan, she quickly stepped forward.

"How are you? Does it matter?" the low voice had an urgent concern.

Junle Yan said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Xiao Guo called me." Mei Beichen said. Xiao Guo is the bodyguard he arranged to protect junleyan.

"I'm fine, but someone wants to bribe me to make a false statement, but I don't know someone around me. It's just cleaned up." junle Yan smiled and said. For her, it's not even a surprise, let alone a risk.

Mei Beichen breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "now, things are all right here at the police station?"

"Well, you can go." junle Yan said, "but my car was punctured and had to find someone to change the tire."

"I'll arrange this." Mei Beichen said, and then ordered Xiao Guo, who had made a written record, to do it. Xiao Guo left immediately.

As for the bodyguard of Yu Jun's house, after seeing Mei Beichen appear, he naturally said hello to Jun Leyan, and then left the police station.

"I guess he will report today's events to my parents, and then my parents know that I am with you again." Jun Leyan muttered, staring at the bodyguard's back.

Mei Beichen glanced at her. "Don't you want your parents to know about us?"

"No, it's just that if they know, they'll have to nag again." she muttered, especially her mother, who is expected to face her again and let her cherish it and stop being capricious.

She knew that my mother was deeply afraid that she could not bear the pain one day. Like those ancestors of the king's family, she ended her life.

"Will your parents object to us being together again?" Mei Beichen asked. Although he said that he was always calm and would not frown even in the face of complex surgery, his mood was inexplicably uneasy when he asked this sentence.

Maybe it's because I care that I agree to worry.

He separated from her very quickly, and after breaking up, he didn't see her parents again, so he hurried abroad. Therefore, he did not know what her parents thought. After all, Han Lin has been with her for the past seven years.

"Of course not." junle Yan shook his head very definitely.

"Are you sure?"

"In short, they will certainly agree with us." junle Yan said.

She was so sure that he always felt as if there was something, but what was it that he couldn't grasp.

They got on Mei Beichen's car, and it was almost time for dinner, so Mei Beichen drove to the restaurant.

On the way, junle Yan said, "the driver who caused the accident can send someone to come in three or two days. He also directly said that if he didn't identify the perpetrator in front of the police, he would directly give me $1 million. It feels that the person should have some background." after all, it's not easy for ordinary people to give away $1 million directly.

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