Fawning! "

Peng Huan's heart was broken by Miao Ke's words, and his face immediately became more red. "What are you talking nonsense?"

"Is it my nonsense or your guilty heart!" Miao Keke was not afraid of Peng Huan.

Qin Sitong also stood up, patted Miao Ke on the shoulder, and then said sweetly to Yuan Meng, "why don't you tell me, Miss yuan, did I steal your manuscript? Why does Chenxing decide that the screenwriter is me now, and miss yuan doesn't participate in the script writing? What's the truth in Chenxing? Didn't you tell Peng Huan, Miss yuan?"

Yuan Mengtian's face was full of embarrassment. She just vented her dissatisfaction with Qin Sitong to Peng Huan and them. Who could have thought that things would evolve like this and the truth... How could she say the truth! Does she now say that what Qin Sitong said is false? But as soon as the sound of the wind comes out, the name of the screenwriter will not be known by everyone.

"Well... Peng Huan, let's forget it. Stop it. We are old classmates. Why mention some things." yuan Mengtian said, trying to calm things down.

But Peng Huan looked like he wanted to defend yuan Mengtian. "Mengtian, you can't talk so well. The more you talk, the more some people want to step on your head. Today, anyway, I want to seek justice for you."

"No, really no!" yuan Mengtian hurriedly said.

Some smart people, looking at yuan Mengtian's attitude, have a aftertaste, but there are still some people, such as Peng Huan and the original head teacher.

"Well, well, the teacher also said a fair word. Qin Sitong, you did this unkindly. Now that you graduate and want to be a screenwriter, you should know how bad it is to steal manuscripts. This is something that can be done by low-level and shameless people. The teacher had some hope for you, but today I know about you. The teacher is really sorry I feel very disappointed. You should apologize to yuan Mengtian! "

But the head teacher didn't know that every word she said now was like an ironic slap on yuan Mengtian's face.

Qin Sitong looked coldly at the head teacher of that year and kept hope? She really didn't believe these nonsense. "Teacher, do you know the whole thing? Or do you want to convict me directly as in those years when the matter had not been investigated? It's not a good thing to follow others. I think this truth should be understood by teachers?" Qin Sitong said positively. "In those years, I said the voice of the wind." I wrote this novel, and today I still say so! Who copied it, who knows. "

The head teacher's face was ugly, and many people around him began to whisper. Even some students and teachers at other tables who were not in the former Qin Sitong high school class noticed the situation here.

"Qin Sitong, you really went to college for nothing. You don't respect your teacher so much!" the head teacher said angrily.

"What I respect is a teacher who distinguishes right from wrong, does not follow suit, and knows what is fair and just." Qin Sitong replied.

Just then, Qin Si Tong's cell phone rang. When she saw the caller ID, it was Jun Jisheng's phone, so she picked it up.

"How long will it take you to finish?"

"Soon." Qin Si Tong said. Before he could say more, Peng Huan shouted nearby, "Qin Sitong, you really have a mother. You don't have a father to teach you! No wonder your father died early. If he was still alive, he wouldn't be angry with you! Even your mother slapped you in front of so many people in those years. Today, you're still dead and don't admit plagiarism. You're shameless!"

Qin Sitong's face suddenly sank down and stared at Peng Huan. If she didn't pay much attention to Peng Huan's scolding at the beginning, what Peng Huan said now can be said to have touched her taboo.

"Trouble?" Jun Jisheng's voice came from her ear.

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