So, she really carefully observed his hands and found that his hands were really beautiful. Of course, for her, she felt very good and beautiful all over him.

At that time, however, she only felt beautiful when she looked at his hand, but now, looking at his hand again, it was a completely different feeling.

"Really?" he looked at his hand, but he really wouldn't think of his hand. "If my hand is a hand that can save people's lives, then I will hope that these hands can help the people I want to help most one day."

The reason why he decided to become a doctor was that he saw her lying on the hospital bed with her head wrapped in white gauze.

At that time, he thought that if he were a doctor, he could cure her no matter whether her head was injured, blocked by blood clots, or her old disease relapsed, so that she would not suffer.

Although her head recovered later, his ambition to become a doctor did not change.

"You have helped the little girl now." junle said with a smile.

"Yes," he said slightly.

When the meal was ready, junleyan accompanied Mei Beichen back to the office.

"I'll sleep for a while. When Xiao Tong wakes up, I'll have to observe her situation." Mei Beichen said, "why don't you go back first. When I'm sure that Xiao Tong's situation is stable, I'll call you."

"I'll wait for Xiao Tong to wake up with you." junle Yan smiled softly. "You can lie down for a while. I'll be here with you."

He smiled gently, "that's good." the shallow smile melted the coldness on his face.

Even he didn't find that these days, there were more and more smiles on his face. Although it was only a shallow smile, he was slowly opening his heart to her again.

Mei Beichen lay on a sofa in the office and took a nap. Junle Yan took a chair and sat next to him, holding his jaw in his hands. He looked at him quietly, as if he couldn't get tired of it.

For seven years, she hasn't looked at him well for too long, so that now she can't help being greedy when she looks at him.

The more you look at it, it seems that it is easier to be fascinated. Her face is closer and closer to his face, and her lips are even gently attached to his eyelashes with his eyes closed.

"Brother Beichen, I seem to love you more and more. If I'm destined to fall in love with you, then I hope we will be destined to be inseparable." she whispered softly, her voice was very light, almost inaudible.

His eyes were still closed, but the fingers hanging on his side moved slightly twice.


When junleyan woke up, it was completely dark outside. Instead, she was lying on the sofa, while Mei Beichen was sitting in a chair and looking at her.

She sat up suddenly, a little confused, "how could I lie on the sofa?"

"You fell asleep. When I woke up, I put you on the sofa to sleep," he said.

She's asleep? She blinked... Well, she kept looking at him sleeping at that time. As a result, she felt sleepy, and then closed her eyes vaguely.

When she opens her eyes again, it's now.

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