Well, she's definitely drunk. If she's sober, she won't talk like that.

"So clever baby, can you sleep?" he touched her head.

"No, I don't want to sleep yet," she muttered. "Let's talk. I want to talk to you!"

He was speechless. She didn't sleep at night. She even had to chat with him, but he was always patient in the face of her.

"Well, what are you talking about?" he said.

"Chat... Talk about your life in foreign countries... Have you ever liked other women..." she shouted. Before he answered, she kept shaking her head and puffing her cheeks, "no, no, you can't like other women. You can only like me, even if there are many beautiful women abroad."

Shouting, she suddenly rushed at him and quickly printed a kiss on his lips.

"Beichen, we agreed that you can't like other women, ok..." her eyes looked at him drunk.

She's still drunk.

Just now, he didn't know who the drunk was, as if he had been infected by her.

"Good." he replied. There was no one else. He liked only her, whether in the past or in the future.

She giggled again, then her eyelids drooped, and the whole person went straight to sleep.

"Didn't you say you were drunk?" he smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether to regret or rejoice that she slept.

He gently pulled down her hand, bent down to take off her shoes and socks, and finally carefully covered her with the quilt. Then he sat down by the bed and said, "I like only you. No one can except you."


He just sat and looked at her quietly, as if how long he liked her was a kind of happiness for him. After a long time, he stood up, walked out of her bedroom, gently closed the door of the room, took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

"Everything is done according to your wishes, and there will be no omission," said the other party.

"Well, don't let go of any of them." Mei Beichen said, flashing fierce and Su Sha in her eyes. For him, he will deal with anyone who hurts her and will not let go of those who want to hurt her.


When junleyan woke up the next day, she found herself lying in bed. Yesterday... She vaguely remembered that Mei Beichen sent her back, but after entering the apartment, her impression was like a fragment.

Drinking beer can also get drunk without memory. She also admires herself. When she walks out of the bedroom, she sees that Mei Beichen has made breakfast and is sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Go and wash quickly and have a good breakfast." Mei Beichen said.

Jun Le Yan looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't respond, "you... Why are you here?"

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let me go last night and asked me to stay with you?" Mei Beichen said.

Jun Le Yan blinked, "did I really say that?"

"Not only with words, but also with actions. Do you want me to tell you what you have done?" he said solemnly.

Her face suddenly turned red, she quickly waved her hand and said, "no... No." then she hurried into the bathroom.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my face is already flushed. In my mind, it seems that there are some hazy fragments

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