But she shook her head in his arms.

It seems that his guess is wrong. He can only continue to wait patiently for her to give him an answer.

After a while, she sobbed, raised her head from his arms and said, "I... I saw the dress in that room... You... You prepare a dress for me every year, don't you?"

He was stunned. He didn't expect her to enter the room. The eight dresses in the room were prepared for her every day before her birthday, but the dresses every year were never sent out.

In foreign countries, in his residence, he will also prepare such a room. He will put the dress prepared for her every year in the room. Sometimes he misses her too much. He will stay in that room all night. He will quietly look at those dresses and fantasize about what she looks like, as if she is still around him.

At the moment, looking at Jun Le Yan with tears on her face, Mei Beichen raised her hand and gently wiped her tears, "yes, those dresses are prepared for you. They have been available every year since you were 18. They are all selected by me and customized according to your height and body shape at the age of 18."

She seemed to cry and smile, "so over the years, you've been thinking about me, right, right!"

"Yes, I miss you very much, really miss you." he held her in his arms. This miss has been engraved into his bones and blood over the years. With the growth of years, it is becoming deeper and deeper, so deep that he can't forget, eliminate and extricate himself.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." she kept apologizing in his arms. All these twists and turns were caused by her.

"It's all over. I want you to love me," he said.

"I've always... Always loved you very much. All the time, the only person I love is brother Beichen." she sobbed. How can he know how much she loves him? How to make him understand that her love for him is so deep

Junle Yan suddenly put his hands around meI Beichen's neck, stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips!

This kiss, so deep, also expressed all her love.

It was because of the deep love that I was so desperate that I made such a decision. They broke up not because she didn't love him, but because she loved him too much.

Love to... She can ignore her life, just hope he can be well.

His eyes were dark, then he slowly closed his eyes and immersed himself in her kiss.

For him, isn't it? He has always loved her. She is the only one he has ever loved. He wants to be with her and grow old with her.

I only wish she could love him forever.


Junle Yan sat at the table with a red face. Mei Beichen brought the food to the table. He cooked all the food. She just started next to him.

Originally, she also wanted to take the initiative to cook some dishes for him, but considering her craft, she still stopped the fire. She'll cook for him when she improves her cooking skills.

Because he slept directly at dinner, junleyan's stomach was really hungry at the moment.

They sat down and began to eat. His craft was better than she thought.

"Your cooking is delicious. Have you studied it?" she asked.

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