It's hard for a person to change her wedding dress, but fortunately, she has so many years of experience in changing her dress alone. After all, before her birthday every year, she changes her 17-year-old Birthday Dress alone.

After a while, junleyan finally changed her wedding dress. Thank you. Compared with the age of 18, her figure is not much different except that she is 3 centimeters taller.

It's still quite appropriate. Of course, in a way, it's a pity. He turned a few times in front of the mirror. After self appreciation, junle Yan took his skirt and returned to the previous room. Mei Beichen, who was originally standing in the room, seemed to hear her footsteps and turned his head to look at her.

At this glance, it was like ten thousand years. He was stunned to see the figure coming in. The white gauze skirt had appeared thousands of times in his dream.

Only this time, it was more beautiful than anything he imagined.

She walked towards him step by step with her skirt. Her black hair was scattered on her shoulders. Under the light, her skin was so white and crystal, with curved willow eyebrows, Qiong nose and lips, and an arc-shaped beautiful neck. It looked so delicate and beautiful. And those dark and bright Phoenix eyes, just being watched, will have a feeling of addiction, as if even kneeling in front of her, are so natural.

The white wedding dress outlined the curve of her upper body and opened from her waist, setting off her charm and innocence.

His eyes could hardly move away from her, just watching her step by step.

"Brother Beichen, are you good-looking?" her face showed a smile and turned her body in front of him, like a dancing butterfly.

"Good looking..." he almost subconsciously replied that her beauty always surprised him. Even if she didn't apply the powder, it still moved him. Such a scene had appeared countless times in his dream. He thought that this scene might be a lifelong extravagant hope and regret for him, but he didn't expect that one day it would become a reality.

She seemed happier after listening to him.

And he took off the veil and crown from the head of the dummy model on the side, and put the veil over her head.

She was slightly stunned, stopped, looked up at him across her veil.

He then put the diamond crown on her head and quietly looked at the person in front of him. This was the bride he had imagined. If they hadn't broken up, he would propose when she was 23, and then she would wear this wedding dress and become his bride.

"Yan Yan, I love you." he whispered, slowly covered the part of her face with the veil, lifted it up, leaned down, put his face closer to her, and breathed on her face.

"I love you too, brother Beichen," she said. How could she not love you?

The next moment, his lips fell on her lips and kissed so deeply that it was like pouring all his feelings into the kiss.

She put her hands on his neck and eagerly responded to his kiss.

At this time, there was no so-called shyness, but only the urgent heart that wanted to be closer to him. Even such a kiss seems not enough, not enough.

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