Junle Yan was stunned. "Injured? Is Han Lin injured?! which hospital are you? I'll come right away!"

The other party reported the address of the hospital.

After the call, junleyan looked up, looked at the sky outside the car window, bit his teeth, and said to the driver, "master, please change your direction and take me to the hospital first."

She said and reported the address of the hospital.

The driver then turned around and drove in the direction of Tai hospital.

Junle Yan looked at the dark sky outside and gradually worried. It was about to get dark. It was estimated that in more than half an hour to an hour, the moon would rise. At that time, the pain on her body would attack.

But now she doesn't know what Han Lin's situation is. Anyway, she has to go to the hospital to find out the situation.

As for Beichen... Junle Yan thought of this and dialed Mei Beichen's mobile phone number. After a moment, his voice came from his mobile phone, "Yan Yan, have you come back now?"

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with Han Lin. I'll go to him now. If he doesn't have anything, I'll come back right away." junle Yan said. After all, the relationship between him and Lin Lin is not very harmonious. Junleyan subconsciously doesn't want Mei Beichen to go to the hospital. He's afraid something will happen.

If she can, she'll go back at that time. Naturally, it's the best.

At the other end of the mobile phone, there was a burst of silence. The silence was too long, and even made junleyan think there was a problem with the signal.

"Beichen?" said junle Yan.

"I'm here." his voice came out again, "body... Doesn't it matter?"

"I have a solution," she said. "I'll call you later after I've seen Han Lin."

"OK," he answered.

At the end of the call, junleyan often gasped. The voice in Beichen's phone just now made her feel a little depressed and strange.

Maybe he thought that Beichen and Han Lin had always had a cold relationship. When she met him, she could tell him the blood curse, so he must naturally understand that there was really nothing between her and Han Lin.

Junleyan bowed her head again and took out a small white medicine bottle from her bag. There was no label on the medicine bottle, but she took out a medicine from it, then took out the thermos cup and swallowed it with warm water mixed with the medicine.

This is a special medicine developed by the jun family, which can suppress the pain of the full moon. The jun family is also constantly improving this medicine. Now she has the latest version. Although this medicine can temporarily suppress for about 2 hours, once the efficacy passes, the pain will be more severe.

She had taken this medicine once before, and naturally she knew the specific efficacy.

However, this kind of medicine can only be used for emergency. If you take it more than a few times, the body will have immunity, and then the efficacy will be less and less effective.

So I usually don't take this medicine until I have to.

However, it shouldn't matter to eat today. Even if the efficacy is really over, there is Beichen. At that time, she won't hurt much.

Junle Yan thought and put away the medicine bottle again. When the taxi arrived at the door of the hospital, junleyan paid the fare, got out of the car and ran to the emergency room.

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